Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

I was walking in an awkward silence next to Draco as he navigated us around his home.

"so house is nice." I said awkwardly at him, he didn't answer me. "you know I'm still mad at you for not telling me the truth about what you were doing." I whispered to him.

"so why are you talking to me?"

"because the silence is annoying, I've lived in silence the past few weeks and I didn't like it." I told him simply as he eyed me.

"why are you here?" he asked me.

"I told you before, for my family just like you." He looked around as he kept walking.

"it's not safe to talk about this out here." He whispered pointing around, I nodded at him.

"so when are you going to start teaching me then?" I asked him.

"tomorrow, unless your busy." I thought I saw a touch of a smirk on his lips as he looked at me, but it was quickly gone.

"I'm sure I can make room in my diary." We stopped outside of a door as he opened it, we were stood in what much be the kitchen. There were dirty plates and cutlery everywhere, Narcissa was stood wand in hand casting cleaning spells and Ceeley was stood cooking.

"mother." Draco said as he walked towards his mother and hugged her. "I brought help." He said as he pointed at me.

"steven told me you would be here to help." She said eyeing me. "you can start by washing the used dishes."

"quick question wouldn't it be easier to cast a spell to do that." She lifted her eyebrows at me before replying.

"it would but I don't have all day to stand here casting spells, I have a house full of guests to attend to and only one house elf."

"I could cast the spells if I had a wand."

"you may gain your wand back when your father says so, but for now you do it by hand. All those dishes need cleaning and put away. Every night you will clean, ever morning I take it my son is teaching you." She said looking at him.

"yes mother, teaching her the ways of a proper pure blood." I had to contain myself from rolling my eyes, it was weird how differently they saw the world that pure blood was the way forward. I have no idea if this is what a young Lucius Malfoy had in mind when he joined the cause. The father I knew would never have dreamed about this, he never talked about anything like this. Except that time I accidentally seen his dark mark, that was the only time he ever mentioned anything. I guess he is good at hiding who he really was.

"so when do I get started?" I asked her.

"now, elf help Miss Cliff." Ceeley quickly put the ladle she was holding down.

"yes mistress." She walked over to beckon me to follow her.

"hi Ceeley." I whispered as I followed her and she looked up at me and nodded.

"Amanda, I'll be back later to collect you. Don't think about disappearing." Narcissa said as her and Draco left the room.

"so Ceeley, just dishes to wash."

"yes please Miss, it's hard to do everything alone."

"of course it is Ceeley, you only have one pair of hands."

"thanks Miss, you're the only one who's kind to Ceeley. Except for the boy, just sometimes of course." I presumed she meant Draco, Draco was the only one I knew she could call boy.

"Ceeley, have you seen my mother?" I asked her. She looked around before looking at me.

"Miss I am not allowed to talk to you about her." I looked away and started to wash the dished, I thought she might tell me. I felt someone tap me on the arm as I turned around. Ceeley was stood in front of me, she nodded once before returning to her work. She had seen my mother.

I dropped down on the bed in my room as I heard the key turning in the lock in the door. I don't think I've washed that many dishes and cutlery before in my life. My mom always used spells to clean, it was so much easier. Maybe that's why my dad was making me do this, teaching me consistent new things. I played with the locket my mum gave me between my fingers. I wish I could talk to her, I know she's here I don't really know if she's safe, if she's been harmed. I could keep pushing Ceeley but maybe that would be too much too soon. I could try and ask Draco but I didn't know how much he knew, or how much he was allowed to know. I would just have to bide my time and wait for the time I can see her again.

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