Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

I stood in the kitchen of a small cottage which was occupied by Fleur and Bill. Harry, Ron and Hermione were outside digging a grave for Dobby. Bellatrix had killed him. I felt like it was a moment all three of them needed to do and not me.

"my mother." I asked as I faced Fleur.

"upstairs sleeping, Mr Olivander is aswell." I was stood in a room with Luna and the Goblin aswell, I didn't know his name. Bill was busy boiling the kettle. "everyone was worried about you."

"I was fine." I told her simply as I smiled at her weakly. She grabbed my shoulders and pulled me into a hug, I welcomed Fleur as I hugged her back and let everything out I had been holding inside of me, I was sobbing uncontrollably onto her shoulder. I pulled away and looked at her as Bill came over placing a comforting hand on my shoulder and a cup of tea in his hand.

"drink." He told me as I sipped the cup he had made me.

"it's lovely here." Luna said as I turned to face her, I had forgotten she was here for a second.

"it was our aunt's, we cam here as kids. The order use it now as a safe house, well what's left of us." I looked up at him as Harry burst through the door.

"I need to talk to the goblin." Harry, Ron and Hermione made their way up the stairs with Bill guiding them.

"I would like to speak to my mother." I told Fleur, she nodded at me as she guided me up the stairs and opened the door to one of the many rooms and left me alone.

My mother was asleep on the bed, she looked so peaceful. I sat down on the bed, next to her it had been so long since I had seen her, that five minutes at Malfoy manor wasn't long enough.

"mum." I whispered as I stroked her face, she stirred as her eyes opened and she looked alarmed, her eyes landed on my and yet he still looked alarmed. "mum it's me, you're safe now."

"but you.." she stuttered.

"I did good huh, it was the only way to get you back I had to pretend to be one of them. Get him on my side." my mum looked at me shocked.

"the whole time you were there, oh Amanda." She said as she pulled me in for a hug and I melted into her embrace.

"I missed you mum." I told her as I started to cry.

"darling don't cry." She said as she looked at me and wiped my tears away. "we are together again."

"but mum you don't understand, I watched him kill someone and I did nothing, I watched Bellatrix torture Hermione and I did nothing. I stood by and let it happen, I thought I did it for the right reasons, if I stepped in I couldn't save you we would be looked up together. But I didn't even save you, you would have gotten out without me there."

"Amanda look at me, you didn't know that I would be rescued, you were doing it out of love. You can't take any of it back, but you can learn from it and make up for it." I nodded at her as I hugged her one last time.

"I am so glad to see you mum." I told her as she kissed my forehead and I smiled at her.

"arghh." I screamed as I tumbled off the bed and away from my mum, she jumped out of the bed after me.

"Amanda honey what's wrong." I was writhing around in pain on the floor.

"he's calling them to him." I managed to say in between breaths.


"his followers, he's calling them back." I lifted up the sleeve to reveal my arm to my mum.

"oh Amanda."

"I had to, if I didn't they would have known." The pain started to subside but I could still feel it slightly as I sat up.

"I really made a mess didn't I."

"no my dear, you did not." I though of Draco back at Malfoy manor, I couldn't imagine what he was going through right now if Voldemort had called everyone back to him.

"what do we do now?" I questioned her.

"what we do now is sleep my dear, and then tomorrow we can figure out what we need to do." She guided me back to the bed as she lay down and I joined her she put her arm around me.

"just like when you were little." She said as she kissed my head.

I didn't realise how tired I was until I could feel my eyes starting to close.

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