Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

I was completely aware of Draco Malfoy sitting perched on my bed as I hid in the bathroom throwing up in the toilet. As soon as we got to my room I had ran to my toilet to be sick, the whole of tonight's meeting had made me nauseous I stood up and looked at myself in the mirror, I had tears streaming down my face, I quickly cleaned my face and teeth before heading into the bedroom. I sat down at Draco as he looked at me.

"are you ok?"

"sorry." I told him, he shook his head at me. "are the meetings always like that?"

"there aren't that many, I'm not invited to most of them just the ones they think I should be."

"he killed her, right in front of us although I would expect nothing less from him. But she was our professor." Draco looked down before he replied.

"she was a muggle ally, in his eyes she deserved it. You kept your facial expressions neutral, you did good to impress your father Amanda."

"but what did it cost me? I wanted so bad to help but I knew I couldn't do anything. I'm being selfish by being here trying to get to my mother to save her, what about everyone else."

"you made your decision, it's too late to turn back."

"I know it just..." I stopped and sighed as I looked at him. "I know there going after Harry and there is no way I am able to tell them without being caught. What if someone gets hurt, someone I know I couldn't live with myself."

"hey." Draco said as he grabbed my shoulders. "you can't blame yourself for what might happen. You are here for your family, everyone else you know can look after themselves. You chose this because you didn't know what was going on with your mother." I leant forward and put my head on his shoulder as he rapped his arms around me.

"I wish there was someone I could know she was ok before all this."

"if I had known I would have told you anything to do with your mother your father keeps to himself." I thought crossed my mind as I looked up at Draco.

"who else is here? The scream we heard, worm tail having to keep the guests quiet. Who else is here?"

"Olivander." I gasped as recognition washed over me. Everyone got their wand from Olivanders, the shop wasn't open last school year like half of Diagon alley it had been destroyed. The death eaters had come for him.

"anyone else?" he shook his head at me.

"not yet, I suspect there will be more people who they can use to their advantage if they capture them."

"poor Olivander, I mean he's old right? I just know they're torturing him, I wish I could help him.

"no" Draco told me simply. "if you do, they will know and you will be locked up beside him."

"I wish I could do more, but without getting my mother yet and no wand. There isn't much that I can do."

"your winning your father over, I don't think it will be long until you have both."

"I hope not, I hope I get to see my mother soon and my wand back."

"then plot your escape?"

"I wouldn't leave you behind Draco." I looked him dead in the eye as I held his hand. "I couldn't leave you behind here, this may be your home but it's not when they are around. You've kept me sane since I got here." I leant forward and kissed him on the lips. It was sweet at first but suddenly he's kissing me harder, urgently. My hands made their way to his hair as I tangled them inside of it, pulling him closer to me, melting into him. He parted my lips with his tongue as his hands snaked around to the bottom of my back, lifting up the bottom of my t-shirt. I pulled away from his kiss before it went any further, resting my forehead against his, both of us breathing heavily.

"will you stay until I fall asleep?" I asked him.

"of course."

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