Back at Home

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After taking the bus and walking a little bit, you finally made it home. But of course, you knew your parents were out for a little bit. It's okay though, you were used to it, they have jobs that require being out a lot and unnecessarily long meetings. And besides, it's nice to have a little peace and quiet, and the silence and solitude was a great way to do schoolwork; no distractions at all. But having someone greet you when you some home is nice. And being alone all the time does get pretty boring. "(Sigh) Whatever. Hmm, I wonder what Mom made me for dinner." You opened up the fridge and found your meal. "Pasta bake and garlic bread, nice!" It's one of your favorites (If you haven't had it, try it, it's super good. Or if you don't like it, too bad, it's my story, you can swap it out for something else). You put it in the microwave to get it warmed up. While you were waiting, you turned on the TV and went on Netflix. It's a Friday after all, so, why not treat yourself? The first thing you did was go into your room and change clothes, from what you wore all day to a comfy hoodie and leggings. *Beep beep beep*, the microwave went off. With a towel covering the sides of the bowl, you carefully took the bowl out of the microwave. Next, you found your favorite show, (insert show), so you took your dinner, went on the couch and watched your cares away. Well, most of them at least.

You did like hanging out with the guys at the manor, but you couldn't help but feel like something was wrong. They're constantly busy, they hardly respond to your texts, calls, even emails, let alone even read them, and they don't even put any of the worries to rest. Sometimes... it feels like it's personal, like they're trying to avoid you. The thought of it saddened you, even scared you a little bit too. You really cared about them, but did they care back? (Mentally slapping yourself) Damnit! Stop going down those dark holes! *Sigh*. I know it's a stupid thought, but it's still there. Lingering like a shadow. Always preying on my sadness. Why won't the rain clouds just go away?

The Bat... Cats?! (Batboys x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now