The Final Battle (Part Two)

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Meanwhile, back at the mansion, the cats fumbled around, trying to do whatever they could to get out and find (Y/N). They managed to turn on the news to see if they could find anything out. And they were in luck, and in for a surprise.

"Breaking news here in Gotham City. I'm Vicki Vale, reporting to you live from the GNN helicopter. Our most recent vigilante activity, if you can call it that, appears to be someone in a rather odd looking outfit, running away from, whom appears to be, Catwoman, Harley Quinn, and Poison Ivy, the three who were responsible for the previous damages to the Gotham Art Museum."

"Guys, look! It's (Y/N)!" Dick shouted. The other cats ran quickly to him, so they could see what was on the TV.

"From the looks of it, Poison Ivy is using rather large vines to chase the vigilante, while Harley Quinn and Catwoman are riding on the vines as well, in order to try and hit them. The vigilante appears to be unharmed, but can it be kept up?"

"Oh God, what is she doing?!" Dick shouted worriedly.

"That crazy bitch'll get herself killed!" Jason yelled.

"Wait, look! That's close to the Bristol Country Club, I know where that is! My parents are members of that club, I've been there a few times!" Tim chimed in.

"I've gathered our weapons, now how do we get to (L/N)?" Damian called out. There were Dick's escrima sticks, Jason's guns, Tim's Bo staff, and Damian's shurikens (I know he uses a katana, but I don't think a kitten can lift a large sword. I know it's Gotham, but still). The cats all 'suited' up, using mostly belts and other objects to secure their weapons to their tiny bodies.

Meanwhile, over here... (Y/N) was having a bit of a problem because of the impulsive decision she made. "Somebody, help me!!" she shouted in fear, hoping and praying that someone would hear her call.

"Get back here, ya little scaredy-cat!" Harley taunted at (Y/N).

"I am right here." Catwoman said in annoyed tone as she turned towards her.

"I know." Harley playfully teased, as she stuck her tongue out. Selina rolled her eyes.

"Now, now, ladies. We can have a cat fight later. Right now, we have a little pest to crush." Ivy chimed in. She waved her arm downwards to control a large vine to try and crush (Y/N). Miraculously, she missed. "Hold still, you little aphid!" she shouted as she swung at (Y/N) a second time. Ivy's vine just barely hit (Y/N) , but it was enough to trip her up and she fell down.

"Ha ha ha ha ha!" Harley laughed and clapped at the sight of (Y/N). "Me next, me next!" she called out as she jumped up in the air and heaved her mallet behind her head to swing it down on (Y/N). She rolled out of the way and dodged it. However, Catwoman used her whip, and it struck (Y/N)'s upper arm, causing it to bleed.

"Gah!" (Y/N) cried out as she grabbed the fresh wound. The three villainesses were laughing at her and taunting her as she was on the ground in pain and shedding a tear or two. Poison Ivy grabbed her with a thick, long vine.

"Hm hm hm hm hm, you should have known better than to try and face us. Now, be a good girl and let me put you out of your misery." Ivy taunted as she pulled (Y/N) closer to her. She then summoned a big carnivorous plant-creature to finally end (Y/N)'s life. (Y/N) was struggling and squirming, as useless as it was, doing anything she could to try and stop what was about to happen.

"Somebody, help me!!" (Y/N) cried out.
Hi everyone. Thank you so much for your patience. I'm really sorry about not updating as often. There have been a few things that have been happening. And because of that, I've been having a lot of writers block and creativity droughts. I really need your help, everyone. If you have any kind of ideas or things you'd like to see in the story, comment it, so I can see it. And if I use that idea, you'll also get a cameo in the story. Once again, thank you and I'm sorry for everything. I'll see you in the next chapter.

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