Jason's Crippling Addiction

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"Alright, since little Mr. Fussy Face got my shirt all wet, I have to borrow one from one of your brothers!" (Y/N) went upstairs to find the guys' rooms to borrow a shirt. The cats followed her. "Hm, this is Dick's room, right?" She opened the door and found she was correct. "Ah, here we are. Now, where's his shirts drawer?" After opening each drawer, (Y/N) finally found the shirts and pulled one out. "Hm, this one looks nice." (Y/N) took off her wet shirt. The cat boys were pretty surprised when they saw you in your bra, as of course, they were used to you wearing your regular clothes. While they were watching you get changed, they each had a different reaction.

"Is it weird for me to think she looks hot in her bra? I mean, like, really hot! It's totally not weird, right?"
"Rawr, purrrr" Jason meowed.

"Awwww! She looks so cute in my shirts! I wonder what she'd look like wearing an oversized hoodie."
"Meow, meow" Dick meowed.

"Huh... did she always look like that pretty?"
"Mrawr" Tim meowed (rhetorically).

"You are all perverts, despite the fact that she's slightly attractive."
"Hiss, meow" Damian meowed.

"Alright, there we go!"

"Now, Azure and Crimson, I have a special surprise for you in my bag downstairs, so come with me!" She gestured her arm to tell the cats to follow her

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"Now, Azure and Crimson, I have a special surprise for you in my bag downstairs, so come with me!" She gestured her arm to tell the cats to follow her. The five of them finally got downstairs. (Y/N) walked to her bag filled with some things for the cats. "So, since you two didn't fight, you get a special treat: some catnip!" (Y/N) said as she took out a small container of her bag. She unscrewed the top off and sprinkled just a little bit for the two cats. "Okay, Azure, here's a little bit for you. And here's a little bit for you, Crimson." Dick sniffed the plant, unsure about what it would do to him in his current state. He took a risk and licked it. Then he flopped in his side.

"Dick? Dick, are you okay? Hello?" Jason asked.

(He's basically high, so no, he's not okay).

"And you can have some too, Crimson." (Y/N) sprinkled some on the floor. Jason sniffed at it a little, then licked it.

"Oh my God!" Jason started licking at it aggressively.

"Well, I think it's safe to say that you two like catnip." She took the lid of the container and screwed it back on. "Now if you'll excuse me, I need to use the restroom. I'll be right back." (Y/N) said. She walked off.

"I need more of this stuff! Now!" Jason exclaimed. He found the catnip container and screwed it off (because he's a cat). Then he started licking away.

"Uh, Jason, don't you think you've had enough?" Dick asked.

"No way! You know how hard it is to quit smoking?! I need my fix!!" Jason shouted.

"Okay, Jason, it's time to stop!" Tim said.

"TT, typical Todd." Damian spouted out. Just then, (Y/N) came back from the bathroom.

"What is all that noise?" She looks over at the cats, only to see Crimson (Jason) overdosing on catnip. "What- hey! Crimson, what are you doing?! Stop!"

"Rawr!" "No!" (Y/N) ran over to him to try and take the container from him. But, of course, it doesn't go so well. She grabbed the container, but he was still clutching it with his little paws with his claws clinging as support, as if he would die a second time if he let go.

"Crimson, let go of the catnip!"

"Meow!" 'I said no!' And so, Jason and (Y/N) were pretty much having a tug-of-war over a small jar of catnip. And it was starting to get pretty heated.

"Okay, Crimson, it's time to stop!" She was pulling it as much as she could, but the red collared cat was just as persistent. "Am I seriously getting out-strength-ed by cat?! Seriously, stop! Let go!" She was able to get it out of his grip momentarily, but that was a pretty bad move.

'Give it back, dammit!!' "Yowl!!!" Crimson pounced at her hands out of sheer rage and a little bit of instinct. But that would have unintended consequences; hurting (Y/N). He aimed for the jar but missed, and his front claws landed on her hands. And he scratched, even cut, deeply into her skin, drawing blood too.

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