Bath Time (is Hell)

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"Break it up! Break it up right now!" (Y/N) shouted as she ran towards the cats and pushed them apart. The cats were still heaving from the 'tussle'. "Don't fight like that! Do you even know how your owners would react if they were to see this?!"

'Oh my f**king God! What the Hell do you want?!' "Raooww!!!" Jason jumped down from his napping spot on the mantle. (Y/N) glanced over at him.

"See, Crimson didn't fight, he stayed out of it and took a nap. You should be more like him." She picked him up as she was lecturing the cats. She then proceeded to to give him his favorite cheek scratches whilst cradling him in her arms. "Yeah, you're such a good boy." *kiss kiss*

'I know, I'm awesome.' "Meaowr" he meowed smugly as he started to purr.

(Sigh) "Okay, let's get you two cleaned up." She said as she turned towards Topaz and Emerald. (Y/N) put down Crimson and picked up the two blood covered cats.

~Timeskip to the bathroom~

"Alright, let's see; I have towels, I have both cats and I have pet shampoo. Well, Damian uses it to clean Titus, but it's still usable. And besides, he probably won't even notice I borrowed it in the first place."

"I'm right here. And I, as a matter of fact, do mind the fact that you're using that without my permission, you selfish bi-" "Mrrawwrrr!"

"Hey, don't say that about her!" "Meeoooww!"

"Oh, quiet down you two. Listen, I know you two don't want to take a bath. But I bet that you don't want to be covered in blood! (Inhale, exhale) Okay, I can do this." (Y/N) said. "Okay, Topaz, let's do you first." She turned on the water and put the handle on the warm setting. She also held onto him to make sure he wouldn't try to jump out. (Y/N) took some of the warm water in her hand and gently splashed it onto (unbeknownst to her) Tim's fur. "See, this isn't so bad. The water's nice and warm, you'll get nice and clean. Isn't this fun?"

"No..." "Meow"

"That's the spirit!" As soon as Tim got used to the water, (Y/N) got more of him wet. After a little bit of getting him drenched, it was time for the shampooing. "Alright, let's see. Squeeze amount of shampoo equivalent to the size of your palm. Okie Doki." (Y/N) opened up the bottle, turned it upside down, squeezed some shampoo out, turned the bottle right side up, closed it and started getting to work. "Here you go, Topaz. Let's get you nice and clean." She started with his back, then his stomach, then his arms and legs, and finally his tail.

"I hate all of this." "Raarrrrr."

"Aww, it's okay, boy." (Y/N) proceeded to wash him off.

"Ha! You deserve every last bit of that, Drake." "Meow." Damian meowed in a mocking tone.

"Oh Ho! You might be laughing now, but you'll be the one being laughed at when it's your turn." (Y/N) took Topaz out of the bath, took one of the towels and started to dry him off. "You should be thankful that Bruce doesn't own a hairdryer, otherwise this situation would be even worse for you." She continued rubbing the cats fur dry. And Tim started purring. "Yeah, that feels nice, doesn't it? It's like a little kitty massage."

'I guess it's not that bad...' "Mmmmrrrrrrr." After a little bit, Topaz was finally dry.

"Alright, Emerald, now it's your turn to take a bath."

'I will politely yet firmly decline that offer.' "Meow"

"Aw, come on, it'll be fun! And besides, the sink is the perfect size for you and you look so adorable in there."

'I said no, (L/N)!' "Rawwrrr!"

"Oh, don't give me that! You're getting a bath and that's final." (Y/N) turned on the warm water and held onto the kitten tightly. He started to squirm a little, but that didn't make her let go. Finally, when the water was warm enough and the sink was full enough, she put him in. And so begins Damian's fussiness.

(He was pretty much like this the entire time)

"Okay, Emerald, we're finally done!" (Y/N) shouted. She took him out of the sink, grabbed the second towel and throughly dried him off. "Be glad that I'm not putting little bows in your fur! Jeeze, you're just as fussy as Damian!"

'I am Damian!' "Meow! Hisss!"

"Ugghhh, you're such a drama queen! There, I'm finally finished drying you off, and all it cost me was a dry t-shirt." She said in a grumpy tone. She washed out the tub and sink for all the fur and blood, and put each cats collar back on. (Y/N) opened the bathroom door and both of them sped right out.

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