Dinner Time

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After a long day of snuggles and cuddles, it was time for you to go home. "Well, little sweeties, I should get going." But, the blue collared cat wasn't having it.

*Meow meow! Merrooaawrr* "No! Don't go yet! I still want more cuddles! And we're starving!" He was standing on his hind legs and putting his claws your knee.

You picked him up. "Awww, I know you don't want me to to go, but I'll come back tomorrow. And bring some treats and maybe even some catnip, how about that?"

*Meow, merrrooaaww* "Sounds great, but we're starving!" He jumped out of your arms and pushed the back of your leg. *Meow meow!* "Move move!"

"Hm? Do you want me to go somewhere?" You took a step or two. Then the yellow collared cat started to growl then stepped in.

"This is taking too long." He scratched and nipped at your ankle.

"Okay, okay! I'll follow you!" You followed the blue collared cat to... the kitchen? "Oh! Are you guys hungry?" They all meowed in unison.


"Well then, let's see what there is for a cat to eat." You searched around. The cupboard is where you checked first. "Hmm, will this kibble work?" You took some of Ace's dog kibble in your palm and knelt down to the cats. "Here, try this." The cats didn't really seem to want to eat it.

*Meow* "Mmm, I don't know guys. I know we're cats, but we're not cats cats." Dick said.

*Meow* "Well, we're not exactly in the position to be picky. It's either this or going hungry." Tim argued.

*Meow* "I'm not going so low as to eat dog food, but I absolutely refuse to stoop so low, that I'll agree with Drake!"

*Raowr!* "Oh my God guys! Man up and shut up!" The red collared cat stepped up first. He sniffed it a little and took one kibble. *Mraow* "I better not regret this." (munch, munch). He purred a little and gave a small meow. *Marr* "Hey... it's actually not that bad." *Meow!* "Hey guys, come on and try this stuff!" The blue collared cat stepped up and took a few kibble pieces, then the yellow collared one, then the green collared one.

"Well, I'll be sure to get some cat food tomorrow. Oh, I should tell Dick I fed the cats." You pulled out your phone and texted him, but the blue collared cat climbed on your thighs.

*Mmeeooww!!* "Yes, it's me! Dick!"

"Aw, do you miss him too? Don't worry, owners always come back. Say, what did they name you guys anyway?" But when you sent the text, he didn't exactly see it. *Ding ding* You heard a sound, that sounded like a text message notification. It came from the kitchen counter. "Hm?" You stood up to see what is was. It was his phone. "Huh... why wouldn't he take his phone with him while he's out?" A slightly concerned but sad look crossed your face. "I hope he's okay." The other cats walked up to you and placed each one of their paws on your thigh. "Well, I guess I'll name you guys myself." You picked up the blue collared cat. "Hmm, I think I'll call you... Azure." You put him down and picked up the cat with the white tuft of fur by it's right eye. "I'll call you Crimson." You looked at the yellow collared cat next. "And for you, how about Topaz?" And finally, the green collared one. "As for you little guy, I'll call you Emerald." You booped him on the nose as he gave you a little paw swat.

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