A Surprise at the Manor

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(Sigh) "Thank God weekends exist! Well, I hope the boys are doing alright." You were walking to the manor after taking the bus. You arrived at the manor and opened the door. "Hey guys, I'm here!" There was no response. "Guys?" Still nothing. "Hello? Hmmm, are they not home?" You pulled out your cellphone and looked at your texts. They didn't text you anything. "Guess I should come back later." You were headed for the door. But before you could leave, you heard... meowing? "Huh?" You turned around only to see... four adorable cats running towards you! A black cat with a blue collar and a bell ran to your feet. It started standing on its hind legs and pawing at your legs.

"(Y/N), thank God you're here! We turned into cats and we don't know how to change ba"-. But it was no use. All that came out was meowing.

(Big gasp) "Awwwwww! Oh my gosh!" You picked up the blue collared cat. "You're so cute!"

(Dick's POV)
(Bold letters are internal thoughts)
'Oh my God! Is this amazing or what?!' "Hey guys! This is awesome!" *Light forehead pecks* 'Holy cow, I just got forehead kisses!'

The blue collared cat turned his head towards the three others and meowed. The other cats walked to your feet and stood on their hind legs and pawed at your legs and meowed like crazy! "Awww, do you guys want some snuggles too?" They all meowed. "Okay then! Let's go to the living room." You walked forward and they followed you. "Here we are." You put down the blue collared one, picked up the red collared one, and laid down on the couch. You started scratching his head. "Oh, you like that don't you?"

*Meow!* ("Aw, yeah.")

"Ooh, how about some cheek scratchies?" You moved your nails to the cats cheek and he started purring like crazy! "Aww, you like that, don't you?"

*Meow* ("This is the second greatest day of my life!") The yellow collared cat started pawing at you, so you sat up, put down the red collared one and picked up the yellow collared one.

"You want some pets too?"

*Meow* "Sure, why not?"

"How about behind the ears?" You started scratching, and he started purring. Then you noticed the green collared one trying to jump up on your leg. So you put down the yellow collared one and picked up the green collared kitten. "Hey there, little guy." It seemed he didn't like to be called that, so he swatted at your nose and started clawing at and nipping it a little. It didn't hurt, but it was just so cute! "Heh heh, hey!" You tried speaking, but the kitten was nipping at you and it was just so cute! So you pulled him away from your nose and gave him some chin rubs. He was trying to nibble your finger at first, but he stopped scratching and started purring. "See, you don't have to be so mean."

*Meow* ("TT, and you don't have to be so affectionate, (L/N)"). The blue collared cat seemed to want more cuddles, so you swapped cats again.

"You're a cuddly cat, aren't ya?"

*Meow* ("Well, yeah. But since I'm a cat, I can get all the cuddles I want without it looking weird!")

"How about some tum-tum rubs?" You cradled him in one arm and rubbed his fluffy tummy with the other hand.

(Dick's POV)

When (Y/N) started giving me rubs, that's when I decided being a cat isn't that terrible. Her long fingernails in my fur, the feeling of her soft skin! It feels so good! Wait, I just remembered: I'm ticklish! Wait, why am I pawing at her hand and nibbling at her fingers?

"Okay, okay!" (Y/N) was in the middle of pulling her hand away, but for some reason, I wanted her to keep petting me. So I used my paws to grab her hand and place it right back on my fur. "Oh my gosh! You're so cute!" She continued to pet me, and I... kept on purring uncontrollably. But now, for some reason, I want to give her a small peck on the cheek, but why? Wait, why am I moving? The next thing I know, I'm climbing her body and taking small steps on her chest. Hold on... am I... touching her bo- *peck*. Well, I wanted to peck her cheek, but I missed and kissed the tip of her nose. "Awwww! You little sweetie! I wonder why the guys never told me they got cats. Eh, whatever. When they're gone, I'll watch over you guys."

"Yes, yes! It's us! We got turned into cats!" But it was no use. All that came out was meowing.

"I love you too." She kissed the top of my forehead.

(Sigh) "This is going to be harder than I thought."

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