Real Talk

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Ever since Batman, Robin, Nightwing, Red Hood and Red Robin disappeared, crime in the city has skyrocketed! My parents even gave me permission to stay over at the manor, with my things of course. If those don't show up and help soon, who knows what will happen to the city! Well, at least I have my kitties to keep me company. Azure was napping on my chest and I was petting him, meanwhile, Crimson was napping in his own, and Topaz and Emerald weren't tearing each other apart, so that's good. Suddenly, the grandfather clock chimed, it's now six o'clock, which means it's dinner time for the cats. Unfortunately, Azure is on me, meaning I'm bound by pet law. (If you don't know what that means, pet law is where if your pet (mostly dogs and cats) falls asleep on you or uses you as a pillow, you're forbidden from moving. Because you love them too much to wake them up). Crimson woke up and started meowing loudly at me. 'Mmaaooooww!' "(Y/N)! Get up, it's time to feed us!"

"I know you're hungry, but Azure is sleeping right now." He made a low rumbling noise.

'Mmmmmmmm...' "Fine, then we'll have to do this the hard way." He pounced on top of me and woke up the sleeping cat, by meowing loudly and giving his head CPR. 'RREEOOWW!' "Wakey, wakey! WAKEY WAKEY, DICKHEAD! It's time for dinner!" Dick/Azure woke up very quickly.

'Mmaooww.' "Okay, okay, I get it, I get it!"

"Oh, well I guess that worked. Good job, Crimson!" (Y/N) said. She got up, went to the kitchen and got the cats dinner. Suddenly, (Y/N) got a notification in her phone. "Oh wow, another crime wave in Gotham. This must be the day that ends in Y" she said sarcastically. The cats quickly finished their dinners and ran over to (Y/N). She looked at the notification on her phone about all of the crime going on, and thought of the guys. "I hope the boys are okay, where ever they are..." she said in a downtrodden tone, as she was glancing downwards. Dick walked over to her a rubbed himself against her legs.

'(Y/N), it's okay, we're right here!' "Maaooorrr!"

"You miss him too, huh?" (sad sigh) She picked him up and walked over to the couch and slumped down on it. The cats trotted over to the sad girl. Azure put his paw in her arm in an attempt to consul her. "Hm, thanks buddy. You know, you're just like Dick; you're kind, and responsible, and just about the sweetest little guy you'll ever meet." She said stroking his head, then she looked over to Crimson. "And you, big guy, you're kind of like Jason; Even if there're a lot of crazy things going on, and it doesn't impact your life in any way, shape or form, you just take a nap and stay out of it." She reached out her arm and gave him under-the-chin scratches. He started purring.

'Meow' "Well, you're not wrong." Then she turned to look at Topaz and Emerald.

"And you two naughty, little things. You fight just like Tim and Damian." (Y/N) sniffled a bit. "I miss them, a lot. I mean, normally, if they were going somewhere, they would text me and let me know. But this time, they didn't even bring their phones with them. Did they forget them? Or did they not tell me on purpose? Or am I just being too clingy and whiny? They don't have to tell me everything all the time." The cats all looked at each other, somehow thinking the same thing, 'Does she really feel like that?' They also all had the same idea; to go and comfort her. They all jumped up on the couch and rubbed their faces on her. "Aawwww, thanks you guys."
Hey everyone! I'm sorry about not updating anything for a while. Recently, and for a while now, I've had writer's block, and I've been feeling really bored with everything. But a Wattpader called EarlyCurfew helped me out with some kind words, now I feel like I'm ready to make more stuff!
Bonus part of the story!!
The cats were munching down in their kibble, when Jason started talking to Dick. "So, I guess you're a tits guy, huh?" Dick looked up at him in shock.

"What? Where did that come from?!"

"Well, you were napping on (Y/N), and your head was on/in between her boobs. No shame in it, I'm a thighs and ass guy myself. I will admit, they do look like they'd make a decent head cushion." Dick looked down in shock and worry.

"Did... did I just violate her?!"

"Nah, dude, you just became a Chad!"

Meanwhile, at night, (Y/N) was getting ready to go to sleep. She went into Dick's room, 'borrowed' one of his shirts and climbed into his bed, albeit not under the covers since it was a little toasty in the room. After some time, she fell asleep (on her stomach), meaning it was Jason's time to shine. He trotted into the room, pounced on the bed, and made his move; he curled up on the back of (Y/N)s thighs (and a little bit of her butt) and made himself comfortable. "Ahhh yeah, this is nice. Heh heh heh, I'm a Chad now, my life is complete."

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