(Y/N) to the Rescue!

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Tim and Damian were, yet again, fighting over something pointless. Except this time, things were getting a little violent.

"H-hey, hey! Stop it, break it up!" Dick exclaimed. But since the two were using their newly obtained claws, one accidentally scratched Dick, and drew a little blood. "Ow!" He was desperate to stop them from hurting each other. He tried asking Jason for help, but that didn't turn out too well, with Jason not liking being woken up from his afternoon cat nap on the couch. "Jason, help me!"

"Why should I?"

"Because they might actually kill each other!!"

"What's in it for me?"

"Not having (Y/N) see two dead cats when she walks in!"

"Tempting, but no."

"What? Why?!"

"Never really liked those two anyway."

"C'mon, Jason, please!!"

"Nope, I guess I just don't care enough." The red collared cat tossed one of the couch cushions up on the mantle above the fireplace and then he jumped up on the mantle and trotted over to the comfy cushion. "And besides, you woke me up from my nap!"

"Well, sorry but"-

"Eh, whatever, it's fine. I'll wake up when I care." And the cat, somehow, went right back to sleep. Sadly, the two other cats were getting worse by the minute. Dick was starting to panic.

"Oh God, oh God, what do I do, what do I do?!" He was pacing back and forth quickly. When suddenly...

"I'm back, kitties!" (Y/N) called out from the front door. Dick went sprinting to her.

'Oh, (Y/N), thank God you're here! Tim and Damian are fighting and I think they might actually kill each other! And Jason's being an asshole and I don't know what to do!' He was practically sobbing, but all (Y/N) could here was cry-like meowing.

"Awww, what's wrong, Azure?" (Screech). Her head perked up in surprise. "What was that?" He was pawing at her shoulder then he jumped down.

'Maaarrrow!' "Come on, come on, come on!" He started to nudge her ankles.

"Okay, I'll follow you." He started to sprint and she followed him. When (Y/N) finally reached the living room, what she saw terrified her. "So what's wro- OH MY GOD!! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED HERE?!"

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