A Cat-astrophe!

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(Morning from Peer Grynt)
*We're starting in Dick's bedroom*
(Stretches and yawns) "Ah, man, I can't even remember the last time sleep has ever felt this great!" He went to scratch his head, but something was off. Instead of hair, he felt... fur? And a cat ear? And whenever he moved his head there was this noise like a jingling bell. Not to mention his hand felt different. "What the"- He looked down at his... paw?! "Wha-!" He jumped off his bed and went straight to his body mirror. He has in fact... turned into a cat: a black cat with a blue collar and a bell on it. "Oh my God!!!" He quickly ran out of his room to see if the others had the same thing happen to his brothers. His fear had been confirmed: They all turned into cats. Jason was the biggest cat in terms of height. He had a red collar with a bell, he also had a white tuft of fur near his eye. Tim was the second smallest, he also had a yellow collar with a bell. And of course, Damian was the smallest of the four, he had a green collar. "Oh my God! Why are we all cats?!"

(No ones POV)
"Maybe the guy from last night did it, maybe that's why he put such an emphasis on the 'per' parts of the words." Tim gave his explanation.

"Okay, I don't care what the hell is going on here! We turned into cats because of some wizard f**kboy!"

"And thanks to your stupidity, Todd, that 'wizard f-boy' might have been the way for us to change back. And for that we all thank you!" (Obvious sarcasm is obvious).

"Oh, shut up, Demon Spawn! I'm just trying to get all of my panic out first so I can calmly and rationally try to approach the pro- Oh DAMNIT!" Jason shouted.

"What?!" The cats all said in unison.

"(Y/N) is coming over later today! In fact, she comes here almost everyday. But whatever! We can't let her see us like this!" Jason urged.

"Yes, she can! Maybe if she sees us like this, maybe she can help us!" Dick suggested.

"And how exactly will that work?" Jason groaned.

"We play the waiting game..." Dick sighed.

The Bat... Cats?! (Batboys x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now