Thanksgiving with the kitties!

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It was Thanksgiving at the Wayne Manor. It was just (Y/N) and the cats. "Well, kitties, looks like it's another holiday of just the five of us again." The four cats all sat or lounged on various pieces of furniture. "Hm, I wonder if I can make anything special." (Y/N) got up from the couch and walked to the kitchen to see if she could find anything to make or eat, and Azure decided to follow her. "Oh, you're coming too? Okay." she said cheerfully. When she got to the kitchen, she had to look around a bit for it, since it was so big, and the technology in there was way too advanced from what she was familiar with. She pointed her finger, and tried to find the refrigerator. "Let's see, fridge fridge fridge fridge fridge, where is the- fridge!" She found it and opened it up. Dick/Azure pounded up onto the counter and searched with her. "Do you see anything could be good, huh, Azure?" He pounced up on top of the fridge and leapt up to the pantry door. He opens it up, jumped in, and pushed put what he thought was good. "Ah! Oh my goodness." (Y/N) looked at what she hastily caught. And when she saw it, she started laughing. "Ahahahahaha! Sugar Frosties cereal? That's very Dick Grayson of you, Azure."

"Mmeeow!" 'I am Dick Grayson! And was that supposed to be an insult or a compliment?'

"Okay, well, I guess cereal won't be that bad."

"Mroww!" 'Hey! If Dickhead gets to choose something, then so should I! Crimson/Jason chimed in. He pounced on the counter.

"Oh! Well, okay, Crimson. What do you think looks good?"

"Mraw." 'Here.' He opened up a cabinet, and clawed at something, so (Y/N) grabbed it.

"Chili?" She looked at him in confusion. "Well, okay. I guess cats do eat meat. I wonder if anyone else wants to pick something. Kitties!! C'mere!" Topaz/Tim and Emerald/Damian came trotting into the kitchen. "Okay, kitties, since it's a special occasion, you can each pick one special ingredient for dinner." Tim/Topaz instantly jumped up into the slightly ajar fridge, to find his special ingredient, and Damian/Emerald needed a little boost from (Y/N). She helped him up onto the counter. When then, Tim started tapping (Y/N)'s arm.

"Mya." 'Found it.' (Y/N) looked over.

"Coffee?! Ha! Okay, Tim Drake." She teased sarcastically.

"Mrrrrrroooo..." 'At this point, I am not even going to try to convince her."

*Thump* "Hm?" It looked like Damian/Emerald had chosen his ingredient.

"Bread." With all of the cat's chosen ingredients and with other items available, (Y/N) was able to think of something to make. "Hmmm... (nods) I can make this work."


"Welp, here we are! We have chili cheese toast as an entree, a Sugar Frosties cereal topped donut for dessert, and coffee to drink! I guess it'll do in a pinch. But for today, it's not about what you have for dinner, it's about who you spend it with." The cats look up at her and smile. "Here, let me fix up a little for each of you." (Y/N) fixed each cat a small portion for each cat, but Damian had a bit of a protest. "And here's some chili for you-" Emerald clawed at the spoon. "Don't worry, it's just mea-" He swiped again, and hissed. "Okay, fine! You don't have to have chili. Geez, Emerald, you're always so fussy." With everybody having something, they all sat down and started sharing and enjoying a hastily thrown together meal.

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