Day One of Being a Cat

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"Alright, I'll see you tomorrow. Good night, my little sweeties!" It was just barely dark out when you left the manor.

"Well, today wasn't so bad, right guys?" Dick asked.

"Well, we found out (Y/N) is damn good at petting us, but we also had to resort to eating dog kibble. So, that was a new experience." Jason said.

"I'd say today was... decent?" Tim said in an uncertain way.

"Our mission for today was to try to tell (L/N) that we have been transformed into cats, we have failed in our mission, and we were, unironically, treated like animals. This day has been horrible." Damian complained.

"Ah, you're just butthurt that (Y/N) wasn't intimidated by you and instead gave you pets and cuddles and Eskimo kisses." Jason teased.

"Shut up, Todd!" Damian shouted.

"Okay, you two, break it up!" Dick exclaimed. "There has to be some other way to tell her it's us. Any ideas?"

"Hmmm, even though we don't have hands, how about trying to write something or type something?" Tim suggested.

"We could just act like we usually do." Jason said.

"Or... we could-... no, that's a horrible choice." Dick muttered.

"What do you mean by 'horrible choice', Grayson?" Damian asked. The boys, or cats rather, all stared at Dick, interested in what he had to say.

(Deep inhale, deep exhale) "We show her our suits."

"What?!" The three other cats shouted in unison.

"What'a ya? Stupid?!" Jason shouted.

"(Y/N)'s life could be in danger if she or any other villain found out!" Tim exclaimed.

"I'd never though I'd say this, but I agree with Drake. Why should (L/N) know about our double lives?" Damian inquired.

"I know, I know, but just hear me out; don't you guys ever feel even a little guilty for keeping secrets from (Y/N)? Just one time?"

"Okay, fine." Jason sighed. "But, we'll only show her the suits as a last resort."

"That sounds fair enough to me, JayBird. Timmy, Little D?"

"Alright, but only if everything else fails." Tim said.

"Fine." Damian begrudgingly said.

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