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You and the boys were at the manor. They were helping you study for End of Semester One Final Exams, with each subject for each day: English, Math, Science, History, and everything in between. It was tough, but you're with your dudes, so it's worth it. You stayed a little bit later than usual for your extra credit assignments. They were optional, but still, you want to be a vet one day. So a high GPA is kind of a have-to-have. The grandfather clock chimed.

"Hm, it's 5:30. I should getting home.' Suddenly, your phone vibrated. You saw a text message from your mom.

Hi sweetie. Your dad and I will be home a little bit later than usual tonight. Will you be able to stay at your friends house for a little bit longer?

Sure mom. Thank you for letting me know.

You're welcome, Sweetsie-B! (You know moms. For some reason, they just love giving us silly yet loving nicknames.) Your dinner is in the fridge on the middle shelf. See you when we get home! (Hug emoji, kiss emoji). Dick was curious about what you were looking at on your phone.

"Is everything okay, (Y/N)?"

"Oh yeah, my mom just texted me saying she wants me to stay here for a little bit. Since I have some time to kill, would you guys like to help me with my English extra credit assignment?"

"Eh, sure, why not?" Jason murmured.

"Eh, sure, why not?" Jason murmured

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"Welp, I'm gonna head home. See you guys tomorrow!"

"Bye!" They all said in unison.

"Well, what now?" Tim said. Suddenly, the crime alert went off.
The boys were up against a new opponent, one highly trained in magic. Still, they fought like they always did. That is until... *FLASH!* (Not the character, I mean a burst of light.) They were all hit by light.

"Gah!" "Argh!" "Ah!" "Tch-"

"Ha ha ha ha ha! Now you four will have a new purr-oblem to deal with! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll need to go. Nothing purr-sonal! Ha ha ha ha-"

"Shut up!" Jason shouted as he pulled out his gun and shot the foe directly in the forehead. The other three turned to him. "What?"

"You know, you really didn't have to shoot him." Tim said.

"He was pissin' me off, so what?"

"I'm just saying, you didn't have to..."

"Oh my God, quit whining! He's fine!" Jason moaned.

"There is a 1.5 inch hole in his head, Todd." Damian said, as he was stating the obvious.

"Oh sure, like you haven't killed anyone before, Demon!"

"Okay, let's not fight, let's just get back to the manor!" Dick exclaimed.
Meanwhile, back at the manor, the guys all agreed on one thing: They all felt God awful.

"Christ, I feel like a sick animal!" Jason strained out.

"I'm pretty sure all of us feel they way too, Jay. We all just need to sleep it of, it's been a tiring day anyways." So, they all went to their bedrooms and went to sleep as soon as they could. Little did they know, a 'Good Nights Rest' was not going to help at all.

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