A Different POV

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Meanwhile, at a different location... "Hah! Ahhhh..." Harley sighed as she flopped on her back on a bed. "I'm tellin' ya, we really gotta do this stuff more often!"

"We already do, Harley. We pick a spot to rob every other week." Ivy told her.

"We do? Then why don't I rememba' any'a 'dat?"

"You always insist on getting drinks afterwards, and you typically blackout." Selina chimed in.

"Oh yeah... So whatta' we gonna rob next? I heard 'dat Bats is outta town, and the other guys are missin' too!"

"Awww, looks like your boy toy has left you high and dry again, Selina." Ivy teased.

"Oh, stop it, Ivy... you know he works in mysterious ways."

"Yeah, ya know, I've always wondered how he- wait... you did say that he didn't ditch ya, but'cha didn't say that he wasn't your boy toy. Kitty cat, have you been doin' what I think you've been doin'?"

"Harley, you know my style. I only tease him-"

"Bats and kitty, sittin' in a tree! F-U-" Harley's little tune was cut off by Ivy pinching her lips shut with her fingers.

"ANYway, it's your turn to pick the next spot, Selina. What'll it be? Art gallery? Jewelry store?"

"(Sigh), I don't know. It probably won't be as fun without Batman... oh well, I suppose we'll just have to wait and see."

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