Christmas with Cats

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(Cheerful sigh), Christmas! The one time of year where everyone in Gotham City isn't a complete and total jerk. There's people donating to charities and the Salvation Army, buying and giving toys to the local children's hospital and orphanages, and even the really small things, like letting someone else go in front of them in line. Now why can't people be like that all year round?

'(Y/N), the oven's ready. And you're lost in thought again.'

"Ah, the oven's ready. Thanks for that, Azure." (Y/N) said as she gave the blue collared cat some scratches and pets on the head. (Y/N) always made treats with the guys during any holiday season. Whether it was chocolate covered strawberries for Valentines Day, or anything with pumpkins for Halloween, you guys always managed to find time to make something delicious. For Christmas, (Y/N) always cookies with them. Four kinds, since the guys liked trying different things; red velvet with white chocolate chips, sugar, chocolate crinkle with peppermint, and, of course, the good old fashioned gingerbread. And the smell that would fill the kitchen, you would think that you have died and gone to heaven. She started to hum a tune of a song as she was putting the cookies in the oven.

(I know it's My Little Pony, don't judge, it's a good song)

(Y/N) put all the trays in the oven, shut the door and set the timer. "Come on, Azure. Let's go to the living room." The cat (boy) leapt off the counter and followed the girl. (Y/N) made some hot chocolate with a peppermint stick. Then, she went into the living room with the other cats. "Alright, let's see if we can find any good movies. Or we could just watch some cheesy Hallmark movies!" (Y/N) giggled. "Or just watch one, and by then we'll have seen all of them because they're all pretty much exactly the same."

Various sweet smells lingered in the living room, which told (Y/N) that the cookies were practically ready

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Various sweet smells lingered in the living room, which told (Y/N) that the cookies were practically ready. (Y/N) got up from the couch, trotted to the kitchen and took the mix of cookies out of the oven. (Sniff) "(Y/N), you have done it again." One of the cats tried to take a cookie, but she put her hand under his paw. "No, kitty, these cookies aren't for cats, they're for humans." All four cats meowed simultaneously, annoyed at (Y/N)s naivety.

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