Happy Halloween!!

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Tonight was Halloween night. And, as usual, (Y/N) had nothing to do, no one to see and was bored out of her skull. "Wow, I'm all alone again. This must the day the ends in Y." After a little bit of aimlessly scrolling on her phone, (Y/N) just decided, "You know what? Screw it, I'm seeing the cats! And I'll show the, my costume too!"

*Timeskip, brought to you by Reality Altering Shenanigans!*

(Y/N) finally arrived at the Manor to see the kitties (boys). When she opened the door, "Kitties, I'm back!", and the cats came running to her voice. "Awwww, hi there, little sweeties! What do you think of my outfit?" (Y/N) did a little twirl to show off her outfit to the cats. She was dressed up as a witch.

 She was dressed up as a witch

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"Reowrr!" 'Awww, she looks so cute in her costume! Oh, and those apples are such a sweet touch!' Dick meowed

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"Reowrr!" 'Awww, she looks so cute in her costume! Oh, and those apples are such a sweet touch!' Dick meowed.

"Rawr~" 'I wouldn't say cute, more like hot.' Jason purred.

"Mmeeewwww..." 'Wow, heh, she does look pretty nice in that outfit...' Tim trilled.

"Mawr." 'This is a rare occasion, in which I agree with you three imbeciles.' Damian chirped.

"Yeah, I don't really have any plans tonight, so I thought I'd hang around with you guys. We could watch some movies, or I could tell some scary stories, or maybe have some candy? Who knows? I just want to hang out with someone tonight." So (Y/N) and the cat(boys) walked into the living room of the manor, and she took off her shoes and set down her basket of apples and jumped onto the couch. "So, what do you want to watch?"

Yet another timeskip brought to you by The Flash messing up more timelines

After a few hours of watching movies you and the cats fell asleep on the couch, all cuddled up to each other.

After a few hours of watching movies you and the cats fell asleep on the couch, all cuddled up to each other

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Basically, you're sleeping in this position. And you can put each cat (boy) wherever you want them to be cuddled up with you.


Hi everyone! Happy Spooktober/Spooky Month!! Sorry I haven't been updating the story. I've been really busy with college applications. So far, I have only one new chapter being written. There will be a few more coming. I'm thinking something like the BatCats try in more ways to try and tell Reader-Chan it's them, she gets worried about them being missing, she tries to stop crime, the boys get their human forms back, or whatever. Tell me what you think by commenting. Until next time, bye!

The Bat... Cats?! (Batboys x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now