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"Sophia, get your bag" I yelled to my daughter, who ran down the stairs behind Ashton, everyone running late as usual.

"Got it" Sophia exhaled, giving me a small smile before continuing to follow Ash out the door, into the car where Michael and Calum waited.

We all got in, exhaling at the thought of it being Monday and the long week we had ahead of us.

We pulled up to Sophia's school, where she quickly gave everyone small hugs and smiled to me.

"See you soon, you guys have a good day" she spoke, kissing my cheek before immediately hopping out of the car and walking to her familiar group of friends.

The guys and I continued to the hospital, where we started out hectic day that we seemed to love way too much.

"Hemmings, chest pains in room five" a nurse spoke, handing me a chart which I glanced to.

Sixty five year old female, chest cramps and shortened breath.

I walked into the room, instantly seeing a woman and a man, holding hands- but face masks on.


"Hello, I'm doctor Hemmings, but you can call me Luke, I'll be helping you today-" "I'm so sorry to interrupt, but while treating us could you wear a face mask?" The man asked.

I instantly went to where all of our supplies were held, retrieving a face mask, slipping it on.

"May I ask why?" I asked them, wondering what situation I was dealing with here.

"Have you not heard?" The woman spoke, clutching her chest and I started hooking her to monitors, taking her pulse.

"Heard what?" I asked slowly.

"About the disease- it's a disease in China that's killing hundreds of people, they're saying it could be in America, no one knows-" "ma'am, I haven't heard anything of this." I spoke slowly.

"Son, you need to go watch the news." The man told me slowly.

"Well I can assure you, if I haven't been told yet, you have nothing to worry about in this moment. But as soon as I make sure you're stable, I'll go talk to my chief." I told them, getting understanding nods.

After checking scans, doing an echo and checking all of her vitals multiple times, I ruled out the chest pains as anxiety.

"Ma'am, I believe the source of your chest pain is from you possibly stressing yourself out-" "well it's hard not to stress when there's a disease coming to America and our doctors aren't even worried about it!" She almost yelled, catching me off guard.

"I'll assure you, we will do everything we can to find out what this disease is about and keep everyone safe once it comes to that point, but from my medical point of view at this moment, I don't think you have anything to worry about. You just have to relax, spend some time at home and if you're worried about the disease, sanitize yourself often, wash your hands and continue to wear masks in public." I told them, getting slow nods.

"Thank you" the man spoke.

"I'll get a nurse to bring your discharge papers."

I instantly went to my office going to my computer.

Disease in China

Tons of results

COVID-19 Pandemic

Disease spreading rapidly in China, killing thousands

Corona Virus pandemic taking over the world

What the fuck?

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