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I quickly showered, dried off and got into pajamas before going straight to the bed, covering up and plugging my phone in.

I had a few text messages that I quickly read over

Didn't intend to upset you, just had a bad day and I'm worried about you getting this virus. Can't wait to talk to you tomorrow, I love you.

I quickly texted him and told him it was all okay and that I loved him too.

Remember not to go to sleep upset, you'll have nightmares. Call me if you need anything, I love you beautiful.

I texted him and thanked him before telling him that I loved him.

I then texted in the group chat between all of the guys and myself saying that I loved them and wished they would have a good night before locking my phone and focusing on my thoughts, which eventually put me straight to sleep.

I woke up to my phone ringing.

Who the fuck is calling me?

I answer without looking, hearing laughter

"Hello?" I spoke.

"Sophia" I immediately recognize Meghan's voice.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I asked slowly.

"Nothing, me and Sarah are having a slumber party, come over!" She spoke, Meghan lives less than a block away from our house, so normally I would.

"I can't" I spoke slowly, looking at the clock- seeing it was two in the morning.

"Why not? It's Saturday, not like you have anything to do tomorrow." She spoke.

"I'm not even at my house. I'm in quarantine." I spoke.

"Quarantine? For what?" She asked.

"We're all supposed to be quarantining right now, watch the news" I yawned through the phone.

"Oh- over the virus" she spoke slowly.

I just hummed, hoping she would hang up soon.

"You think it's real? My parents think the government made it up." She spoke after a moment making me groan.

"It's real, my dads a doctor and he's had to treat it already, but it's two in the morning and I'm tired, can I call you tomorrow and discuss this?" I asked.

"Ugh fine, talk to you tomorrow."

I didn't even say goodbye before hanging up and instantly locking my phone again.


I woke up to my pager going off

Why the fuck was I being paged on my day off


So I ran

I took my car, speeding towards the hospital where I found a spot and instantly ran inside, throwing my keys to the first intern I was.

"Full protective equipment." My boss stopped me as I tried to fun towards the floor I was paged to,

I put on my protective equipment as quickly as possible, ensuring that it was on correctly before running into the room seeing a patient struggling to breathe, an intern panicking while trying to do a intubation.

"Stop." I spoke to everyone in the room.

The patient was way too alert, I didn't want her on a ventilator unless she couldn't breathe.

I put an oxygen mask on her, listening to her lungs.

They were congested, but not half as congested as the others we put on ventilators.

"Hit her with heavy antibiotics and vitamin c, keep her on oxygen and continue to monitor her oxygen levels, if they drop by ten percent, we will put her on a ventilator, but for now I don't see a reason to." I told a nurse, who instantly charted it.

I left the room, instantly being called into another one and I knew

It was going to be a long day.

8 hours later

I was ready to drop.

I hadn't stopped- not even for a meal.

"Hemmings- code blue room eight"

One more and I'll be done

I drug myself into the room, instantly looking to the vitals

"Push ten of epi" I spoke, grabbing the defibrillator handles

"Clear" I spoke, instantly shocking the patient.

We did this multiple times

Eventually he was maxed out on medicines, not responding to anything.

"Doctor Hemmings" a nurse spoke as I delivered manual CPR, praying.

I knew what she was going to tell me

So I just stopped

"Time of death, seven fifty seven pm." I spoke, leaving the room.

I had more loses than saves today.

That never happened to me.

I left the floor, taking off my protective equipment before immediately going to the showers, throwing my scrubs away. I changed into normal clothes, put my mask on and headed home.

Just as I pulled into the driveway, I got a FaceTime


I didn't hesitate to answer

"Hi angel" I spoke once I saw her, trying to pick up my attitude for her, she didn't need to see me down.

"Where have you been all day? I've called you like twelve times" she spoke playfully, the happiness in her voice making my heart skip beats.

"I was called into work, I'm sorry" I told her calmly.

"How long do we have to live like this?"

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