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"Hey" I heard Reid's voice say softly.

"I'm gonna get Marshall to bring her home, fax me her discharge papers and I'll sign them and fax it back." I told him.

"Okay man, I'm sorry you had to find out through-" "no need to apologize, you saved my babies life, thank you." I told him.

"Can you- just hug her for me. This was probably her closest dying scare and I can't be there for her, so could you just make sure she's good-" "of course, I got her." He spoke.

"Thank you man" I spoke

We talked shortly before hanging up and I texted Marshall what I needed him to do.

"She cried because she wanted to see me" I told Calum

"Am I a bad dad?" I asked him

"Don't say that." He spoke.

"I'm being serious- my daughter just had to walk herself to the hospital because she couldn't breathe because her fucking inhaler medicine wasn't working and I didn't even know anything about it until after she was already okay!" I almost yelled.

"Luke, you're not a bad dad-" "she just wants to see me and I can't even do that." I felt tears coming to my eyes.

He hugged me tightly.

"She knows why, Luke." He told me calmly.

"I know she could've died Luke- and that scared the fuck out of both of you, but you can't blame yourself for not being there, because you know this isn't your fault- you'd drop this all of you could to be with her in this second." He told me.

"You've gotta keep your head up. Your baby is okay, the guys are okay. We are all okay and we are going to be okay. In a few months, when this shit is over- we're all going to go on the biggest fucking vacation, and we're going to party like 2020 was never a fucking year." He told me, making me nod.

"You're right" I wiped my tears.

"Now, you have three more hours before we can go home and FaceTime your girl, let's save some fucking lives."


I soon left with Marshall, thanking everyone, getting into what I assumed was Marshall's car.

I leaned my head against the window, trying to control my shakes.

"Are you cold?" He asked, adjusting his thermostat

"No- no I'm fine, the asthma medicine just makes me shake and makes me tired." I told him, closing my eyes against the window as I saw that he was in a small traffic jam


I hummed to music, knowing she most likely did not want to talk and I didn't even know what to say to her.

I pulled into the hotel Luke told me about, preparing to walk her in.

"Okay" I exhaled, seeing her not move.

"Sophia," I spoke

Not a single muscle movement

I shook her for a solid two minutes before I knew- she didn't lie about the medicines making her tired.

So I got out, collecting her things before picking her up bridal style, ensuring both of our masks were on correctly for the walk, thanking god neither of us had been exposed.

I walked her to the room number written on the key she had, thankfully getting in.

I laid her in bed, covering her before setting her phone beside her, making sure the ringer was on so if Luke called, she'd hear and setting her key beside her laptop on a small table.

I left the room, putting the do not disturb sign on the door to make sure no room service went in before ensuring that the door was shut and locked

"No more babysitting"

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