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We ended up FaceTiming for hours, talking about our plans and everything the guys were planning to do tomorrow.

Then I got a text from Meghan.

Hey girl, come have a picnic with me Joel, Bradley and Sarah tomorrow in Elmers park!

"Oh Meghan just invited me to a picnic with her and-" "no social gatherings, Soph" my Dad was quick to shut me down.

"It's not really a social gathering, it's just the-" "Sophia, this virus is nothing to play with, you need to stay away from people." He told me strictly.

"I was with them today- Meghan and I shared water-" "Sophia I'm really not going to argue with you about this. This virus has already killed two people in just our hospital. I don't care if you saw them an hour ago, from this point until I have an idea of this virus, you are not going out with anyone." My Dad spoke sternly.

"Okay" I cleared my throat, texting Meghan back

Can't, Dad wants me to stay put due to the virus, maybe next time. Xx

"And tell your inconsiderate friends to stay the fuck home." He spoke, suddenly more angry as he left the table.

I just rubbed my face.

Barely anyone even knew about the virus.

"Don't take what he's saying personal." Calum spoke quietly towards me.

"One of the patients we lost today was his- you know he takes losses to heart." Calum spoke, making me nod slowly.

Soon dad rentered, sitting back at the table.

"I just texted you a link, I want you to download this app." He spoke.

I looked, instantly knowing what app it was.


Some of my friends parents had made them download it, it's basically a tracking app to keep up with where your kid is 24/7, something my dad told me he would never do because he trusted me to make my own smart decisions.

"You want to track me?" I shot out.


"You want to track me?"

I could hear the hurt in her voice, and we all stared to Luke.

"I just need to make sure you're not leaving the hotel-" "so you suddenly don't trust me anymore?" She asked quickly, her defensiveness on high.

"It's not that I don't trust you-" "you told me two months ago that you'd never make me do this because you trusted me to make my own smart decisions." She spoke a fact, we all heard him say it.

And now he was basically saying he didn't trust her.

"Sophia, I'm really not in the mood to argue, just download the damn app, I'll send you the password." He spoke.

She stared to the screen for a minute.

I watched her nod before she got on her phone, typing for a solid few minutes before I heard Luke's phone ding.

"There you go, track away" she spoke, dropping her phone on the table.

"Sophia-" "I'm tired, I just took melatonin" she spoke as she dropped melatonin gummies into her mouth.

"You literally just took it-" "I guess it kicked in quick tonight, I'm gonna go shower and go to sleep. I love you guys, talk to you in the morning." She spoke, clearly angry.

She gave us all time to say we loved her back before she hung up, her face disappearing from the screen, where Luke looked to us.

"I didn't think she would be that mad over an app-" "she's not mad, she's hurt. She doesn't think you trust her" Ashton spoke, making him rub his face.

"I can't handle all of this tonight, I'm going to bed"

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