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third person POV.

Ten hours later, Ashton was sent home.

He had also went through hell, left in the same mindset as Luke.

Right after that, Calum was called in.

More and more patients flooded into the hospital.

An hour after Calum, Michael was called in.

Two hours after that, they were requesting that Luke needed to go back in, but he was in such a deep sleep he never noticed his phone ringing.

Sophia was asleep- phone in hand, knowing Calum told her that Luke would call first thing in the morning, she didn't want to miss it.


I woke up to my pager going off.

I sat up, my eyes searching for where the noise was coming from, until I saw the faintest light on my bedside table

911, paged by Calum.

I instantly got up.

I grabbed my work bag, running to my car, instantly noticing everyone else's cars were missing- everyone must've gotten called in.

I quickly changed into scrubs in my office before suiting up in protective equipment and going onto the hell floor.

So many people.

I jumped in random rooms, checking vitals, sending patients that could go home, home and clearing rooms.

I then moved to ventilators, ensuring that they were working correctly and then I noticed, we have five ventilators left.

Out of sixty five ventilators- five were left.

Sixty people with a 10% chance of surviving.

Sophia was never coming out of that hotel room.


I woke up to someone knocking, making me instantly sit up.

I ran to the door, hearing someone attempting to open it- making me quickly push it shut, looking out the peep hole.

The maid.

"I'm sorry" I quickly apologized, opening the door for her.

"Do you need me to clean?" She asked as I quickly slipped my mask on, noticing she didn't have one.

"No thank you." I dismissed, seeing her nod before moving to the next room.

Why wasn't she wearing a mask?

I went to my bed, seeing that it was around ten in the morning.

I went through my phone, seeing asstons of kids I go to school with partying.

I felt selfish to admit that it looked fun.

People are dying from the shit they're doing, but I wish I could do it.

How selfish was that?

I fixed myself oatmeal, sitting at my desk and staring into space and I slowly ate.

Once I was finished- I noticed some dust on the desk, so I swiftly wiped it off with a rag before leaning back in the chair- debating on what to do.

And resulting to working out.

I played quiet music- doing a small work out.

Mountain climbers
Jumping jacks

And I moved to burpees, I felt a familiar burn in my chest- I knew what it was, but I didn't want to accept it.

I sat in a chair, trying to just make my lungs accept air

How is breathing an essential part of living and I can't even do that correctly?

I felt myself wheezing, but I closed my eyes

Take deep breaths

You don't want to have to deal with the shakes by yourself

You always react bad to the medicine, the boys aren't here to help you through that right now.

But soon I felt myself choking, so I knew I had to do it.

I took a puff, feeling a small relief- not half as much as I usually get, but I just prayed it would work.

After a moment of it not working, I decided to FaceTime dad

I couldn't talk, but he would know what was going on and he could tell me what to do.

No answer.

I went ahead and took another pump, feeling little relief.

The fuck?

Why is it not helping?

I FaceTimed Cal.

No answer.

I FaceTimed Ashton.


I FaceTimed Michael.

Straight to voicemail.

I kept blowing up their phones, not even knowing if I could take another pump, I mean there had to be a limit eventually, what was the limit?

I regretted taking the label off.

I went ahead and took a third pump.

I laid on the floor, putting my hands above my head- trying to open my lungs as much as possible.

Nothing made me feel okay.

So I resorted to Harry.

"Sorry I couldn't get to the phone right now, please call-" I hung up.

I had to go to the hospital, I knew that.

I knew I was maybe a two block walk from the hospital, but would my Dad kill me for leaving the hotel?

I soon felt dizzy and I knew

I was leaving this fucking hotel

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