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Seven days later.


after days full of swimming
Board game playing
Video game playing
FaceTimes from the guys
Movie nights

And other things that I would've never saw myself doing before a global pandemic, Luke was finally done quarantining and Harry was bringing me to him.

"You know you can come visit if you want, we won't be doing anything outside" I offered to him, knowing he was quarantining just like myself.

"Thank you for the offer, soph" he smiled to me

"But I'm actually going to work, I want to go go help them make a vaccine for this shit." He exhaled.

"Seriously?" I asked.

"Yeah- I had left to do a study on Alzheimer's disease, but now I can't be around the older generation to actually study it, so there's no point putting my brain to rest, might as well go try to cure something else." He hummed.

"Well" i exhaled as he pulled into what I assumed was the "condo" Luke had just started renting for him and I, knowing we couldn't be around the guys.

"Please stay safe." I spoke to him, seeing him smile firmly.

"Always." He cheekily smiled back.

He walked me to the door, hugging me firmly

"Next time I see you, you might just be a hero" I laughed to him, seeing him nod firmly

Yes ma'am, and we will all get our vaccinations and go out for the best night of our lives." He hugged me once more.

"Please be safe" I told him once more as he turned to walk away.

"You be safer." He spoke firmly.

I walked in the house, hearing a shower running.

I sat on the new couch, glancing around the condo that I was sure would be my house for the next few months- if not years.

But I tried not to speak that into existence.

After maybe thirty minutes, I heard my dad

"Sophia Grace-" he almost tackled me into a hug, kissing my head firmly, his wet hair somehow managing to drip onto me as he did- making me laugh.

But I didn't hesitate to hold him back, neither of us speaking.

"Don't ever leave me in a hotel for supposedly only two weeks again" I mumbled into his chest, feeling his lips kiss my forehead gently.

"You don't have to worry, baby" he exhaled

"I'm not leaving you anywhere, anytime soon."

We soon FaceTimed the guys, dad cooking dinner.

Soon Ash came into the camera, and I could tell he had been crying, which made me panic

"What's wrong ash?" I asked, catching dads attention.

He exhaled, sitting to where he could see me

"Nothing Soph, how's your day?" He asked me slowly.

"It's okay" I spoke hesitantly, wanting to ask what was wrong, but not knowing if I should.

I wanted to hold his hand.

I watched his eyes glance across the screen, I wasn't sure if he was looking at me or not until a saw a smile come onto his face slowly.

"I can't wait to hug you, kiddo"

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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