Seth Meyers

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Author's Note: Thank you so much for checking out my One-shot! feel free to skip this if you don't feel like reading extra things. I don't know how long these one-shots are going to be, or how long this whole series will be, but I hope you guys really enjoy them! I'm going to try and do everyone from SNL or at least people from the early 2000s to now. So I thought the best person to start with would be  Seth Meyers. I know hardly anyone is attracted to him, probably the only people attracted to him are middle-aged moms but I'm attracted to him, that's kind of another reason I'm starting with him. Anyway, enjoy the One-shots.

(Y/N's POV)

I Finally finished writing the last skit for tomorrow night.  I sighed of relief as I stood up and grab my things. I just wanted to get home and sleep, knowing I would have to do the same thing again tomorrow. I put my laptop in my backpack and I put my hoodie on, it was the middle of December in New York, even a jacket wont keep you warm. I started walking out of my office space that I shared with Aidy. While walking down the long hallway of offices I heard footsteps coming after me. 

"Y/N! where are you going its only 3:15 A.M?!" It was Seth. God he's such a bundle of joy.

"Oh I finished early so I thought i should get out of here so i'm rested for tomorrow's show."

"Ohh! Okay... I haven't even started writing my first skit." He chuckled nervously.

I stopped walking as I turned around to look at him "Uhm- what? Seth the show's tomorrow- Jimmy Fallon is Hosting! How have you not started?!" I exclaimed to him making direct eye-contact. 

"I know I know I just haven't thought of anything good and I'm worried that if I do write something its going to be trash and Lorne is not going to like it at all."

I sighed "Let me help you think of somethings."

"What? I can't let you do that, you need your sleep and I don't want to bother you, I can just harass Kenan or something."

"No, I honestly wasn't even planning on sleeping, I was probably just going to watch Judge Judy  all night."

Seth let out a soft chuckle. 

"Thanks Y/N."

"Of course, anything to help a friend."

I followed Seth into his office, I have never actually been in Seth's office, of course he has one of the biggest offices. "Woah."

Seth took a seat on his couch, he patted onto a spot next to him signaling for me to sit next to him. I smiled as I took my laptop out of my bag and sat by him.

"Okay so what type of skit were you thinking of? And please tell me you have wrote one for the weekend update already."

Seth's eyes widened as he looked at me, he cleared his throat. "I-I have not done that yet, i completely forgot about the weekend update.."

"How could you forget about it?! You're Literally in it!"

"Ugh we're going to be here for a while. I'm sorry Y/N."

"Like I said, I don't mind. we just need to get this done before the dead line, which is at." I check my phone to see the time. "Which is In 4 hours..." 

"We're not going to make it!"

"Yes we are!" i said aggressively to be assertive.

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