Heidi Gardner

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(Y/N's POV)

I sighed as I opened the door to my apartment building. I was a producer on the show Saturday Night Live, I've seen so many different people walk into 30 Rock and then walk out being an A-class Celebrity. Being a producer is a lot of work but I'm able to manage, sure I have to stay up until 5 A.M. trying to get Pete to understand we can't do his skit. Sometimes the job gets stressful but it's worth it, I haven't told anyone this but I've had a crush on one of our newest cast members; Heidi Gardner.

She was so sweet and sincere, she was kind to everyone and knew how to make everyone laugh, whenever she went on stage I would make sure I was watching, her skits were always hilarious, I know this is biased but I would always get Lorne to accept her Skits, but hey, they were actually good.

I threw my keys on the table that stood next to the door, I then kicked off my high heels that have been aching my feet all day. It was currently 2:00 A.M. all I wanted to do was sleep, but my stomach decided to be a bitch and growl. I groaned as I waddled to the fridge with the remaining strength I had left, I opened the fridge and saw a take-out box. I opened the box and sniffed it. "...This should still be good." I grabbed a fork and set it on the counter. Before I could take a bite of food there was a knock on the door, either it was the creepy old man that always wants to see my shoes or the landlord asking for money, but it's 2:00 A.M., and that stuff doesn't usually happen until 5:00 A.M.

I placed my food back down on the counter and opened the door, "Old man I swear, no you can't sniff my-" I quickly paused before finishing that sentence, I looked up to see Heidi soaking wet. My eyes widened as I quickly opened the door all the way rushing her inside my complex, "Heidi? What happened are you okay?" I asked rambling with words no being able to process the fact that she's in my house.

Heidi shivered as she quickly embraced me, I was confused but I wasn't going to decline a hug from her, I wrapped my arms around her waist as I hugged her back. "Do you not want to talk about it?" I asked quietly in her ear. Heidi shook her head quickly as she almost looks like she saw a ghost. 

"You don't have to...Just have a seat." I said letting go of the hug and pointing to my couch. She slowly walked over there as it was like she didn't want to leave me.

"Are you hungry?" 

She shook her head. I Sighed as I walked over to her and sat next to her on the couch. "You don't have to tell me anything if you really don't feel like it, but could you sum it up in one word?" I asked lifting her chin for her to look at me.

"I-I don't know..." She said faintly

"Love?" She questioned her own choice of words as it was like her eyes glistened as she said that word.

"That's a valid word," I said as looking off at the bleak Tv that was currently turned off. "You wanna watch a rerun?" I asked looking at the TV then back at Heidi.

"No No, let's talk." She said sounding more in a better mood but she still sounded miserable.

"Okay, well what would you like to talk about?"

"I wanna know more about you Y/N, I feel like you know so much about the castmates and me but I hardly know anything about you." She smiled 

I tried to hold back my smile, she wanted to know more about me? Did she care about me? I nodded my head rapidly, "Okay Okay okay, what do you wanna know?" I asked rambling my words again.

"Favorite color?"


"THAT'S MY FAVORITE COLOR!" Heidi smiled! I smiled back in excitement knowing we had a thing in common.

"Okay okay, next question, what's your favorite place in New York?"

"Obviously 30 Rock." I smiled giving an evident face.

Heidi kept asking me questions back and forth, we had so much more in common than we knew we did.

"Okay Y/N, Last question."

"Mhm?" I said waiting for the final part.

"Can I kiss you?" She asked as she fiddled with her hands as she looked at me with a wholehearted face. 

I slowly nodded my head as her lips then pressed against mine, I kissed back with the same passion. She released from the kiss and grabbed my hand "I've been longing for that." She squealed.

"I didn't know you felt that way." I smiled ear to ear.

"I always have." She responded back before placing her lips on mine again and again. 

Word Count: 814

This was a request, hope you enjoyed it!

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