Colin Jost

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(Lots of inappropriate jokes! a little bit embarrassing)

I worked on SNL for the past 13 years, but now I have my own show, NBC offered me for my own show, and of course, I said yes, It's another one of those late-night shows, I'm not complaining, I love working besides Seth Meyers and Jimmy Fallon, but my show didn't come on until after Jimmy's, which was also after SNL, so my show wasn't as big, because most everyone is asleep by the time I even go live.

"Y/N! we're on in ten! what are you doing off of set?!" My producers yelled at me trying to get me back on stage. I groaned as I waddled back on set. My show was so late we didn't even have a live studio audience, no one ever watched my show either, so I could always get away with saying things, Which was actually better for me, I hate performing in front of other people. Even my own boyfriend, Colin. He says I'm amazed that I should go out to movies because I have a 'gift' but I like being behind a desk bashing Donald Trump.

"and were live in" My director said as I smiled at the camera

"Good Evening and welcome to Late Night I'm your host Y/N L/N, and it's lovely to be back...obviously Trump decided to be an idiot again, he tweeted about my show, stating 'Y/N needs to STOP WITH THE JOKES, THE THINGS SHE SAYS ARE LIES!!!! SO UNORIGINAL!!!! TAKE HER OF NBC!!!!!" I laughed quoting the tweet in my best Trump impression, which I would say is just as good as Seth's

"What's with so many exclamation marks?" I smiled making my own self laugh.

"But enough about that, let's bring in our first guest, he comes from just down a few floors, may I welcome Colin Jost!" I said holding out my hands to where the curtain he was to walk out of.

Colin quickly walked out, he had the biggest smile on his face as he ran up to the seat next to my desk, he was so thrilled to be back on my show, it wasn't the first time he's been on my show. him being my lover, I try to get him on as many times as we can, especially when another person cancels, we just ask Colin if he wasn't to come down and talk with me for 20 minutes. He always says yes, any time he spends with me he loves.

before Colin sat down he leaned over the table and kissed my forehead before sitting down.

"Good Evening," Colin said being professional or at least trying to be.

"Hi!" I smiled widely, seeing Colin always made me smile.

"You know I saw you not that long ago!"

"Really?" I asked playing along.

"Yeah, I think you were at my house this morning, on my own bed." He laughed purposefully embarrassing me

I held my head in my hands holding back my blush.

it was hard for me to speak back.


"Yeah, and I think you were at my house last night too...screaming my name."

"Okay, that's enough!" I laughed hysterically, this was a live show, but It was like I could get away with everything, and Colin was used to having a normal conversation with me on my show if you would consider this a normal conversation...

"So Colin..." I smirked leaning back in my chair.

"So Y/N," he said repeating my exact same actions.

I chuckled and then moved my elbow on my desk, making my arms hold my head as I looked at Colin.

Colin doing the same pretending there was a table there.

"So tell us Colin what have you been up to?"

"No no no, enough about me. what about you, Y/N?" Colin Winked at me playing mind games

That's how the rest of the show went, Colin and I going back and forth treating each other like an old wedded couple.


Colin and I left Rockerfella Plaza and to our apartment, it started to rain. I groaned.

"Stupid New York weather, so unpredictable..."

Colin chuckled at my whining before putting his Suit coat around my shoulders. Colin then wrapped his arm around me before smiling at me and kissing my temple.

"Thanks for being on my show again..."

"Of course, I love coming on, it's always so fun...any time with you is fun." Colin smiled.

We walked up the steps to our apartment. He unlocked the door as we both walked inside.

He looked down at me to see my hair soaking wet from the rain.

"Cute." He smiled.

Colin picked me up, I wrapped my legs around him. we both looked at each other in comfortable silence. He let out a soft chuckle before kissing his soft lips on mine.

"Shall we?"

"We shall."

Colin walked up the long steps to our bedroom, before placing me down on the bed.

"I love you, Colin."

"Love you more."

Word count: 838

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