~ Chapter 67 ~

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It is nighttime. The Croc Canteen is the Chaotix' detective office converted into a canteen. Aliens of all kinds are seated at various tables with drinks. Charmy flies by with several drinks.

"Welcome to Vector's Juice Bar! We put the squeeze on your thirst!"

Espio is washing glasses, while Vector is playing the piano. He turned to the readers.

"I bet you didn't know I'm such a musical maestro, didn't ya? You shouldn't be surprised. I'm more than just a pretty face. As a croc, I'm naturally swamped with talent! But you're probably wonderin' why I'm playin piano instead of doin' detective work. It all started after the boys and me said adios to the crew of the Blue Typhoon..."


The spaceship is cruising through space. Espio is reading directions.

"Okay, Vector, make a right just before the next star system."

They drive past a traffic light in space.

"Space travel sure can be boring. Somebody oughta build a rest stop in this part of the galaxy so you can get out and stretch your legs." Vector complained.

"Oh boy! I wish we could stop and grab a bite to eat!" Charmy clarified.

"There aren't any rest stops listed here." Espio sighed out.

"Let's see... Hm..."

Vector sees a wormhole up ahead. This is the Galaxy Corridor.

"Maybe we'll find one over there."

Espio looks at the map again.

"I don't see that place on the map."

"Let's check it out!" Charmy enthusiastically pointed forward.

"All rightie! After all, investigating unknown mysteries is part of a detective's job!" Vector nodded.

"Go for it, Vector!"

They feel the warping effects of the entrance to the Galaxy Corridor.

"What the...?"

"It's some kind of gravity field." Espio said.

"Boy, is it totally cool!" Charmy smiled.


"So, we ended up crach-landing on this planet. Huh?"

Vector sees Charmy talking with a customer.

"Send me a bill and I'll pay it next month."

"Well, I, uh..." Charmy stuttered.

"Somethin' wrong?" Vector asked, walking in.

The customer blushes.

"This clown says he's gonna pay us later."


"Next week, maybe." Cutsomer shrugged.

Vector wraps his arm around the customer.

"Listen, pal, the policy in this establishment is when you pig out, you have to pay up!"

"What are you gonna do, Vector?" Charmy asked.

"Let's see... I could try to squeeze the money out of him..."

"I know! What if I pay you tomorrow?"

"No way! It's cash or bash if you get my drift!"

Later, the customer finally pays Charmy.

"That's everything I owe."

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