~ Chapter 24 ~

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At the Station Square, Danny, Frances, Hikaru, and Helen are playing outside. Helen has a puppet of Next as she intimidated Next's voice.

"Good morning, children! Come on; it's time to play!"

"Look, everybody! It's my favorite TV star!" Frances intimidated Cream's voice.

"Chao-chao!" Hikaru intimidated Cheese's voice.

They laugh - until they see the Egg Fort II fly directly overhead.

"It's him!"

"Dr. Eggman!"

"He's back again!"

The Egg Fort II flies into the city and out of sight.

"What's he up to?" Danny questioned.

"Whatever it is, it's not good!" Helen said with worry.

Sonic runs past them, causing their clothing to blow about. Danny opens his eyes and sees Helen's blowing skirt, which causes her to look at Danny in scorn. Hikaru slapped Danny's eyes to close it shut as he covered his own. Helen huffed, thanking him.

"It's Sonic!" Frances exclaimed.

Sonic runs into the city. Hikaru uncovered his eyes and turned to where Sonic had gone and wondered where Y/N is.


Chris and Y/N are secured to the wall by a metal bracket. Bocoe and Decoe are pointing wrenches at them to make sure they don't pull any stunts. Eggman was about to approach Y/N to grab the crystal necklace as she struggled to not let him go near her. On the radar, Sonic is drawing ever closer.

"Dr. Eggman! Sonic is following us!" Decoe exclaimed.

"Sonic, hurry!" Chris shouted.

"Help!" Y/N shouted.

"He's gaining on us. We have to do something!" Bocoe exclaimed.

Eggman growled, pulling his hand away, making her smirk.

"Who cares about him? Especially when the seventh Chaos Emerald is waiting for me!"


They soon arrived at the city dump where Lucky signals to the incoming Egg Fort II.

"Ahhh... There's my little good luck charm! I just knew he'd bring back the Chaos Emerald!" Eggman smirked.

"I am surprised he did not drop it." Bocoe quietly said.

"He sure is a klutz, isn't he?" Decoe quietly agreed.

"Hey... H-He's a bit clumsy..."

A hand extends from the Egg Fort II to pick up Lucky.

"I'd better grab that Emerald. Lucky... Come to Daddy..."

However, Sonic arrives and smashes the hand, sending Lucky flying.

"Sorry, Pops, ya gotta be faster than that!"

"Sonic!" Y/N exclaimed.

"Gah! Why does that heinous hedgehog always have to ruin everything?!" Eggman growled.

"That is just our luck - bad!" Decoe said.

Lucky lands on a soft object.

"But... But... my... my Emerald!"

Sonic turns to Eggman.

"Heheh, don't worry. I'll keep it safe and sound for ya!"

"Alright!" Chris exclaimed.

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