~ Chapter 62 ~

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The Typhoon is seen near a wormhole. Knuckles is in the Master Emerald chamber, working on tightening a nut. He wipes his brow when finished.

"That should do it."

He communicates over the radio.

"Alright, everything's tightened up and good to go. You can take off whenever you're ready."


Sonic, Y/N, Tails, Chris, Amy, Cosmo, and Cream watch the wormhole. Knuckles joins them.

"So way beyond that gravity pull, there's an even deeper part of space called the Intergalactic Cloister?" Amy asked.

"I'm no expert, but it sounds pretty accurate to me." Tails said.

Cosmo nods.

"You've got something on your face, Knuckles." Y/N said.

Knuckles wipes the dirt from his face from his work.

"That's happening a lot recently."

"Chao chao..."

"Are you scared that the gravity will squash us flat? I'm sure Tails has a solution." Cream asked.

"This ship can survive a black hole, so we'll be fine. We'll make it through safely."

"Chao chao!"

"But if we go to that universe, can we make it back?" Knuckles asked.

Tails sweatdrops.


"It'll all work out." Sonic assured.

Knuckles smirks.

"I guess so."

There is a pause.

"If we don't do anything, the Metarex will destroy the galaxy." Amy said.

"That's right. We have to go!" Chris agreed.

There is no response.

"What is it?"

Everyone looks around silently.

"C'mon, what?" Chris asked again.

"I've been thinking... Everyone back home must be worrying an awful lot about you these days.  I feel like we oughta think of a way to get you back there, don't you think?"

"But... how can you say that? You think I could just abandon you to battle those Metarex alone? There's no way!"

There is a moment of consideration. Tails looks concerned, and Chris' eyes shimmer.

"...Yeah, I guess you're right." Sonic said.

"Hopefully..." Y/N said, feeling just as worried for Chris.

"Sure I am! And besides, don't forget, I'm eighteen now," Chris smiled. "which means I get to be your chaperone, which means you won't get into too much trouble."

"Chaperone?" Y/N asked.

"That's right!"

They share a laugh. The others smile. The Blue Typhoon flies toward the wormhole.

"Typhoon laser shields, activate!" Tails pointed forward.

A shield is projected over the entire ship.

"8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1..." Cream counted.

The ship nears the wormhole.

"Here we go!"

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