~ Chapter 55 ~

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In the Blue Typhoon

"It looks peaceful out there." Tails confirmed.

"No sign of any Metarex." Chris nodded.

They exchange thumbs-ups. Amy is sipping tea and reading a magazine. Cream and Cosmo are looking out the window.

"It's nice to travel in space when you can take the time to stargaze." Cream smiled.

"They really are beautiful." Cosmo nodded.

Y/N was reading a book while listening to the music Hikaru have given her with her earbuds on. Sonic and Knuckles are playing chess. Knuckles is struggling to make a move.

"Why don't you move your king?"

Sonic stands up.

"Well, call me when you make your move. I'm gonna go for a run."

He runs around the outside of the Typhoon. Knuckles finally decides on a move. He moves his black knight.

"That's check-- wha?!"

He looks up to see that Sonic is gone. The hedgehog is nowhere to be found.

"Where'd Sonic go?"

He sees Sonic run by the window, and carries the chess game outside. Sonic doesn't see him.

"Hey! Sonic! It's your move! ... You're not giving up, are ya?"

Sonic finally sees and skids to a halt, but since there is no friction in space, Sonic ends up floating out into space.


Sonic panics as he floats further and further away from the Typhoon.

"That's just great! Sonic can't get back, so somebody has to go after him!"

A moment later...

"Say what? Sonic can't get back to the ship?" Amy asked.

Y/N tilted her head in confusion.

"And he's getting farther away from us every second!" Knuckles exclaimed.

Amy and Y/N cries out in shock.


"We have to go rescue him now!"

"I know, but how will we get to him?" Knuckles asked.

"I got an idea, but first, we need to find a rope."

They take off running.


Knuckles is back outside the ship with some rope and Y/N was standing next to him.

"Hang in there, Sonic. I'm comin'."

"Be careful, Knuckles. Don't go too far."

He nods. Using the rocket thrusters strapped to his back, he flies in the direction Sonic went in. The rope tethers him to the ship, preventing him from floating away as well. Y/N watches as he flies off.

A twinkle can be seen in space as Amy and Y/N returns to the bridge.

"What's the matter?" Amy asked.

"Is something wrong?" Y/N asked.

"We're being followed!" Cream exclaimed.

"That ship will catch up to us soon." Cosmo added.

They can see a spaceship in front of them. The holo-map projects distance between the ship and the Typhoon. Notably, the other ship is carrying the Chaotix' office on top of it.

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