~ Chapter 34 ~

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Y/N appears to be on a space station of some sort. She is looking out the window.

"Whoa... We're in space."

She turns around to see Shadow behind her.

"Where are we? Some sort of space station?"

"We call this place Space Colony ARK." Shadow replied.

"Never heard of it."

"It was built fifty years ago by Professor Gerald Robotnik. It's been kept... secret."

Y/N looks out the window again.

"It's beautiful. Even the earth."

She turns back to Shadow.

"I bet a friend of mine would love to see this. I wonder if I'm the only one who's ever gone to space."

"You're not."

"Oh? Then who?"

Shadow appears conflicted, but does not answer. Y/N noticed it and looked back at the window.

"Sorry. You don't have to say it. It's personal, I know."

Shadow looked at her in surprise that she didn't bother asking him again or annoying him. It's like she's respecting him. In his vision, Y/N's reflection in the window changes to an image of Maria.


Y/N glanced at him as his eyes sadden again. She decided to do some trick and activated her crystal. Her eyes glowed white as she went into Shadow's memory. It shows Shadow, Maria, and Professor Gerald fleeing from several soldiers.

"Stop them! We can't let them get away!" one of the soldier said.

The scene changes to show Shadow in an escape pod as he tried to punch the glass out. Maria runs up to a control panel.

"Listen, Shadow. I want you to promise me... please."

"Maria!" Shadow shouted through the glass.

Soldiers begin banging on the door.

"Whatever happens, remember I'll always be your friend, Shadow. We always talked about going to visit the planet one day. But it looks like you'll have to go there without me. Adios, Shadow the Hedgehog."

She pulls a switch and immediately collapses. The escape pod is jettisoned into space. Y/N's eyes went back to her original eye colors. She started to feel tears spilling out after seeing such tragic death.

"I'm sorry... Shadow..." she whispered, beginning to silently break down.

Shadow said nothing as he knew that she was looking into his memory with her power. He looked back at the window with clear hatred and revenge.

"They'll pay for what they did. Every one of them."


At the Station Square, Danny and Frances are walking Helen down the street.

"What's up with Chris? I called to say hello and left a message for him, but he only reply that he's busy and it's an emergency." Danny said as they stop.

"Not to mention, Hikaru, too. He said he's got a world to save as well as saving Y/N. I wonder what happen to her." Frances said.

Danny nods. Suddenly, Sonic runs past them.

"Hey, was that...?" Helen said.

"Yeah, that was--"

Frances covers Danny's mouth.

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