~ Chapter 42 ~

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(A/N: I skipped the next episode because I really want to get into this Prize Fight already!! It cannot wait!! I love that episode! Enjoy the story!)

The military is gathered outside the broadcasting center. Scarlet Garcia is broadcasting a story.

"Yesterday, SSTV News that the notorious Dr. Eggman had escaped from jail along with his two mechanical henchmen. Officials now believe that Eggman and his robots are hiding underground plotting their next assault. In an effort to undermine the plot, the President has formulated a plan that will involve Sonic, Y/N, Knuckles, and Rouge the Bat."

Outside, the President and Christina Cooper disembark from their limo and head into the building.

"While information is sketchy, it appears some sort of tournament is in the works. Luckily, I've been granted an exclusive interview with the participants to talk about this exciting development."

Scarlet follows a cameraman into the other room, where Sonic, Y/N, Knuckles, and Rouge are sitting on a sectional couch. They appear bored, and Scarlet blushes.

"Uh... Well, it doesn't appear that Sonic, Y/N, Knuckles, and Rouge are as excited about this competition as one might expect them to be."

The President rounds the corner, and is shocked to see Scarlet reporting this story. He pushes her and the cameraman aside.

"Maybe once we begin our interview, they'll tell us why they seem so glum."

"Spread out!" President ordered.

He closed the door once he enters the room. Topaz is also there.

"Well, Topaz, are they in or out?"

Topaz salutes.

"Well sir, they--"

"I don't know about this plan of yours." Sonic spoke.

"Yeah, what are you up to?" Y/N added.

"This tournament ideas sounds kinda screwy." Knuckles said.

"How 'bout you?" President turned to Rouge.

"I might consider helping you out with this plan of yours, but if I do, it's gonna cost ya."

The President's and Topaz's eyes widen.

"What exactly does that mean?"

"Well, I do have a weakness for jewelry."

"Of course you do." Y/N sighed.

"I'll tell you what. If you all agree to battle in our tournament, we'll offer a grand prize to the winner." President said.

Christina and Scarlet enter the room.

"Whoever wins the competition gets... a Chaos Emerald!"

This gets the Mobian's attention.

"You want me to waste my time for one Chaos Emerald? Sorry, but you can count me out." Knuckles said.

"Ah, could it be Gloomy Gus over here's too chicken? I guess he's afraid I might beat him."

Rouge emphasizes her point by poking Knuckles, who brushes her hand away.

"Rouge!" Y/N scolded her.

"Look here. I'm not afraid of anybody, got that?" Knuckles said.

"It's too bad. It would have been such an exciting tournament." Scarlet frowned.

"Not you too!"

"Well, if he really doesn't want to prove himself, there's no use forcing him to." President agreed.

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