~ Chapter 60 ~

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Sonic and Oak stand ready to fight.

"Think you can beat me?"

"Make no mistake, my friend. I do not think I can beat you. I know I will. Metarex, prepare for battle!"

A rank of Metarex Troopers step in front of Oak.

"As you can see, you are dangerously outnumbered, Sonic. And I warn you, for every one of us that falls in battle, there will be hundreds more that will take his place!"

"Please don't hurt Sonic, I beg you!"

Sonic places a protective hand in front of Cosmo.

"We'll do anything you want, Metarex, sir. We'll give back the Chaos Emeralds and the Planet Egg, but please don't hurt my friend!"

Dark Oak casts a steely glare on Cosmo through his singular green eye. Cosmo fearfully waits for the Metarex leader's answer.

"Get him!"

Dozens of Metarex Troopers fly into the air and land on Sonic without warning.

"Sonic!" Amy and Cosmo shouted.

Suddenly Sonic frenziedly throws the Trooper off of him and into the wall. Dark Oak watches, impressed. Sonic turns to Oak.

"So you wanna play games, huh?"

Sonic executes a spin and launches himself at Dark Oak, who laughs, and does not move. Suddenly, Oak vanishes when Sonic reaches him. The hedgehog bounces off the wall and lands near Amy and Cosmo.

"He vanished!"

"It's a hologram." Sonic said.

The Metarex Troopers are anything but. A few of them have survived the attack.

"Be careful, Sonic." Cosmo said.

Dark Oak's laugh can be heard in the distance. Sonic, Amy, and Cosmo find themselves completely surrounded on all sides by Metarex Troopers - and they begin their approach.


Y/N, Rouge, and Shadow are looking out a viewport. There is a battleship and thousands of smaller Metarex ships outside.

"Oh no. I think we've got ourselves in trouble." Y/N said.

"You said it, cutie." Rouge agreed.

Shadow picks up his walkie-talkie.

"Listen up, Shadow! In the interest of self-preservation, I'm calling off this clambake!" Eggman said over the radio.

"I don't understand. I thought I was to retrieve the Chaos Emeralds." Shadow said.

"Oh, blast the Emeralds! These Metarex monstrosities are about to make a meal out of us!"

They become aware of a voice booming through space.

"Attention intruders. Make no effort to escape. I am Red Pine. I and my three commanders serve the all-powerful Dark Oak. In your foolish effort to undermine our mission, you've played directly into our leader's hands." Red Pine laughed. "In fact, he wishes to express his gratitude for bringing him the Chaos Emeralds. Thanks to you all, we won't have to blindly scour the galaxy. We don't know how to thank you. Perhaps we'll just destroy you."

"Just try it, you overgrown junkyard!" Rouge growled.

"What are you waiting for, Shadow? Move it or lose it!!" Eggman shouted over the radio.

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