~ Chapter 69 ~

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Chris and Tails are alone on the bridge. Chris stretches.

"Hey Tails, don't you think it's time we took a break?"

"Well... there seems to be a problem with the security system and I wanna find out why. But you can go."

"Don't you want help?"

"Nah, I can handle it myself. Hopefully we'll all have plenty of time to rest up. Since there aren't any Metarex around, things should stay pretty quiet."

"I sure hope you're right, Tails."

"Me too."

Chris yawns, stretches, and heads to his room, unaware of a dark figure zipping by behind him. When Chris is out of sight, the figure eyes one of the doors. He first went to Y/N's room where Y/N is sleeping. He opens the door and walks over to her. Y/N could have swore that she felt a gloved hand stroking her cheek. The shadow unmistakably belongs to Shadow the Hedgehog. He stares down at her with a soft look with a hint of affection. Shadow then left her room to let her sleep as he had a mission to do. Starting with Cosmo as he went inside her room.


Back to the bridge

"Okay, that should work. Now I'll restart the system."

Tails presses a button. Suddenly an alarm goes off, bathing the ship in a red glow and startling Chris at his desk, and rousing Amy and Cream, and waking Y/N as she quickly sat up from her bed, and getting the attention of Sonic and Knuckles.

"Red alert! Red alert! We have an intruder on board the ship!" Tails exclaimed over the intercom.

In Cosmo's room, Cosmo awakens to see Shadow standing over her. The red glow stops. 


Cosmo stares in shock and terror. Chris appears in the doorway and turns the light on.


He is shocked to see Shadow there.


Shadow throws a Chaos Spear at Chris, but Sonic immediately arrives and tackles him out of the way. Shadow continues to proceed toward Cosmo, but the battered Sonic stops him.

"Hold it, Shadow! ... You mind tellin' me what this is all about?"

Shadow bears down on Sonic. They clash in the hall. Neither are able to get the upper hand in the grudge match. Tails runs in.


"Hurry! Grab Cosmo and run!"

Sonic leaps back, then runs toward Shadow, but the Ultimate Lifeform rebounds across the ceiling and into Sonic from behind, sending him rocketing down the hall. Cosmo approaches the doorway, fear in her eyes.

"Cosmo, what happened?"

"I woke up... Shadow was there... He's trying to kill me..."

Shadow emerges from the smoke. Tails types in a lockdown code and runs down the hall with Cosmo. A door shuts between him and Shadow. Unfortunately, it is no obstacle for him, and he easily breaks it down and walks after the fleeing pair. Chris and Sonic are left injured on the floor.


Knuckles is running down the hall.

"What's going on? Someone, answer me!" he called over the intercom.

"There's big trouble! Sonic and Chris got hurt in a fight with Shadow!!"

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