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"ok so i guess it's us five on the bed we can top and tail and you three on the floor"you say really tired
"actually me and pansy can sleep together on the floor that is if you'd like pansy and it ok with you y/n" blaise says nervously
"of course i'd love to only if it's ok with y/n"pansy replies kind of shy but happy your shook but you say "ok yeah sure then just me, hope, lizzie and jo i guess"you say sitting in bed
"actually me and jo were talking we're happy sleeping on the floor she can sleep next to pansy and i'll sleep next to blaise"lizzie says while jo nods
"ok whatever me and hope then"you say hoping not to get corrected again
"actually"hope says but you cut her off before she could finish
"seriously where do you wanna sleep"you say annoyed
"sorry y/n but i can sleep on the floor next to draco" she says all chipper but in the corner of my eye draco is just sitting the and he's looks really unimpressed by this but i look at him and he starts to smile and looks hope up and down and licks his lips and winks at her
"well unfortunately you can't because my room is big but it's not that big to have seven people all spread out all over the floor"you say jealous
"well i can sleep in the bed with you then it's only six people"tom says mischievously
"yeah i guess that could work"you say looking at him up and down to piss off draco
"well the floor is still to full so me and hope will sleep on the bed with you and tom"he quickly replies getting up and sitting on the bed
"ok whatever that works"you say walking over to the bed climbing in you and draco in the middle and tom on the outside of you and hope on the outside of draco you face draco and he faces you you look at him and just close your eyes you then hear someone get up from the floor it lizzie she walks over to tom and whispers thinking you can't hear her
"hey you awake sexy" lizzie says really flirty but you just lay there tom replies to her
"yeah i am gorgeous those pyjamas really out line your body well"he says knowing your listening he's passed out the whole flirting with draco thing and you know it so you start to get really really jealous as they just continue talking about each other then you suddenly say
"draco wake up"you know toms listening to you so that's why you said it
"yeah i am why"he replies in a really sexy sleepy voice slowly opening his eyes
"i can't stop thinking about our kiss and how i wanna do it again"you say rubbing his arm
"oh really well let's do it again"he says sliding his hand up your leg past your ass and around your waist pulling you into him
"lizzie get off the floor"tom says just a little louder making sure you hear it you hear her get off the floor and onto the bed onto of tom her knees either side of his waist
"now i'm going to kiss you like you've never been kissed before but you need to be quiet or your going to wake everyone"he says again saying louder making sure you can hear him but this made you so jealous before you know it your saying
"come on then malfoy kiss me"loud so tom can hear you
"oh i'm going to do more than just kiss you"he says getting on top of you with your legs wrapped around his waist and his arms behind your legs going up your top while passionately kissing you undoing your bra and taking it off placing it next to you you let out a small moan into his mouth and tom hear so he deepens the kiss to lizzie grinding into her making her moan louder and all of a sounded they stoped and he's kissing down her neck and on her chest and she's moaning and breathing really heavily
"ohh tom ahh" she says trying to keep quiet
but you go back to you and draco he's kissing down your neck and chest to but he starts to get lower than your boobs slowly kissing on your stomach lower and lower you start to breathe heavier and heavier and moan
"ohh draco ahh"you say as he kisses on your stomach but makes his way back up to your boobs leaving marks all around your nipples and chest he didn't go to high just in case someone saw but as he went back up to your mouth he's dry humping you thrusting up and down and you can feel your self starting to get really wet
"i'm wet for you already daddy don't stop"you say letting out another moan making sure tom could hear you lizzie then says
"tom i want you to fuck me i'm so wet and your dick is just huge" she says moaning in between nearly every word
"not yet gorgeous but i know your wet just from grinding you want me so bad but not here not with everyone here you'll wake them all up screaming my name"tom says while lizzie is moaning and breathing heavily uncontrollably this just makes you mad so you focus back to you and draco and say
"your coming over to mine tomorrow just me and you and your going to fuck the absolute shit out of me i'll cast a spell on the room so they don't hear me screaming your name"while letting out another bug moan
"i knew you wanted this big dick you little needy girl but you better do as your told or you will get punished"he say grinding on you harder
"ohhh draco yes i promises i'll do as i'm told daddy"you say moaning and whining
this goes on for about five more minutes then you hear tom and lizzie stop and she gets off of him and lays back down on the floor so you basically just stop draco and he lays down rolls over
"draco you awake"you hear hope say needy
"no i'm really tired"he says giving her a kiss and turning her back around and cuddling her you think what the actual fuck did that not mean anything to him whatever you feel a hand slide up from your back and wrapping around your waist flipping you on your back then
"you like the little show i see it made you horny having to wake up draco"he says sliding his hand up to your boob and grabbing it tight you whine a little
"no i don't know what your talking about i didn't hear anything"you say innocently
"you sure you didn't hear your beloved sister saying how hard she wants me to fuck her and how bad she wants to scream my name and take this huge dick"he says with one hand grabbing yours under the covers and placing it on his pants while the other trails down your body to your shorts giving you goosebumps and all you can think is fuck me tom riddle your cock his huge you grab it a bit then let go
"i'm very sure i don't know what your talking about"you say innocently
"fine play like that"tom says taking his hands off of you and rolling around so his back is to you and you just think i have two backs turned to me both boys i'm pretty sure i'm in love with but i'm just a sex toy to them i'm sure they don't feel the same way ugh never mind it's sleep time i've got an early start tomorrow

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