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It's been a little while since i've seen my family, i've talked to them on the phone though but haven't seen them much. The augustine attack calmed down and I haven't seen them since, although it wouldn't be a problem if I did my friends don't leave my side ESPECIALLY Draco and Tom. Them I don't mind cause it's usually fun and stuff but sometimes it gets annoying having someone stuck to me everywhere I go, honestly i-it kinda feels suffocating.
"ATTENTION PLEASE" my thoughts cut short by the headmaster yelling across the great hall
"thank you" he said in a calmer more soothing voice
"I have some big news we have a new student joining us very soon" he said and paused before continuing
"I would like it if everyone showed him some respect and give him a warm welcome thank you now get to class" he said as the bell went for our first class

I walked into my first class with pansy, Draco, Tom and blaise. There was rows two rows of two seated tables then one row at the very back of three seated tables. Brace, Me and Tom sat at the back on the three seats and Pansy and Blaise sat in front. As far as I knew Pansy and Blaise were going good, me and Pansy would catch up every now and then and we would talk about literally everything and anything. Last time we catches up we were talking about her and Blaise and how amazing he treats her and apparently how good the sex was. The way Pansy would describe it without giving me to much detail it sounded a lot like me, Tom and Draco and how they like rough and dominant. I got called on by the professor to answer a question
"I-Im unsure sir" I said shaking my head Tom put his hand on my thigh and whispered the answer to me. I mumbled the answer to the professor and he continued with the lesson. Tom didn't bother to move his hand as we continued to do work.

All of a sudden Pansy threw her head back as her eyes looked at me, I looked up from my paper and gives her a confused look. Her head went back to normal and she adjusted her waist on the chair a little and I saw Blaises hand going up and down her thigh disappearing every now and then as I couldn't see her whole front. Tom noticed and chuckled wickedly my heart immediately and automatically started pounding in my chest. I didn't want him to get any ideas but thankfully I was saved by the bell for the next class. I made eye contact with him and winked before walking out with pansy who was limping a little. I heard the boys cheering on Blaise and giving him a good old handshake me and Pansy just laughed and continued walking.

This class was just me and Pansy, it was pretty boring the rest of the day had lunch then went to my room with Pansy for a bit, then dinner and bed. I let Pansy stay with me tonight so the boys stayed in there own rooms.
"so i saw what happened in class today" I said to Pansy who let out a little giggle
"yeah things are amazing it's all amazing"she said with a great big smile
"well that's amazing" I said giggling and she continued to smile.

We eventually stoped talking and drifted to sleep at like 2:30 am it's always like this at our sleepovers I sometimes feel like it doesn't happen enough. Something kept me up longer running through my thoughts. Who's this new kid is he a threat? Could he be a potential augustine kid? What if he try's something to hurt me or my friends? My thoughts ran like this for what felt like forever till I must of drifted to sleep because the next thing I knew pansy was waking me up for our next class the next day.

—————————————————————————————————————————————————————— Thank you for reading and hope you enjoyed please comment and vote thank you for support and patience i know it's hard and frustrating xx

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