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I woke up in the middle of the night well not really it was like 3:30am.
"tom, draco are you awake"i said but no response there both pretty heavy sleepers
"yeah i am"i heard tom say but i know he's a heavy sleeper so how is he awake
"sorry did i wake you"i said little nervous of his response
"yes you did actually"he said in a stern voice
"oh um-"i started but was interrupted
"y/n i was kidding"he said giggling a little
"well if i did i'm not sorry"i said as i giggled a lot then stopped immediately when he grabbed my throat
"you still tired wanna go back to sleep"he as his grip tightened then released for me to talk
"yes"i said as i gulped
"well do you want daddy to fuck you back to sleep"he said as he grabbed my inner thigh
"i would love you to but i need beauty rest"i said as i curled back into him
"no you don't your beautiful in every way"he said before he kissed my neck and dug his face into it
"oh shut up"i said as i closed my eye and backed my ass into him
"i'm not kidding you have something special, something about you, your beautiful, independent, and fearless so many things that can describe why i love you"he said grabbing my hip to back into him again before rapping his arms around me and pulling me closer
"i love you so much"i said i heard him groan sleepily and drifted to sleep.

*In the morning*
"y/n wake uppp"i heard faintly as well as someone shaking my body
"whattt" i said annoyed
"come one you have to wake up for school"i heard as i slowly opened my eyes it was draco i looked into his eyes and melted it's such an amazing way to wake up
"come on y/n"he said grabbing my arms and pulling me up but i felt a sudden shock of pain when he grabbed my wrist
"ow"i yelped he immediately let go of my wrist
"i-i'm sorry"he said as he looked away from me
"hey no it's ok it didn't hurt that bad just took me by surprise is all i'm fine"i said as i placed my hand on his cheek forcing him to look back at me
"but come on school time but first i'll go to pansy's room and meet you guys in the grate hall ok"i said as i let go of his face and he stood up
"ok come on do you need help"draco said as he let out a hand
"no i'm fine"i said as i tried to stand up but almost fell draco caught me and laughed
"come on i'll get your clothes and stuff and help then we'll take you to pansy's and meet you in the grate hall"he said as he sat me back down on the bed and went and got my school clothes
"morning baby"tom said as he walked over to me with only his pants on body perfectly exposed and kissed me
"morning love"i said as he stood back up i ran my fingers down his chest past his abs till they hit his belt and looked up at him with a smirk
"don't tempt me to make you late there princess"he said as he lifted my chin a little more
"come on baby make me late"i said as soon as i said that his hand went from my chin to my throat and pushed me down onto the bed his knee in between my legs i could feel the pain of the bruises on my neck but didn't say anything although it was killing me inside but if i said something he would get so sad and mad at himself
"i said don't tempt me"he said but we were interrupted by draco
"i see you guys are having fun"he said as he looked over at us briefly and to toms leg in between my leg then at where his hand was and his expression on his face changed
"tom take your hand off of her"he said chucking my clothes on the bed
"what'd you just say"tom said as he looked away from my eyes and over to draco as if to say wtf who do you think you are
"i said take your hand off of her"draco said as fists formed in his hands
"who the fuck do you think you are huh"tom said as he let go of me and stood up walking closer to draco fists forming in his hands to
"hey hey no fighting alright draco what happened why'd you say that"i said as i got in the middle of the two and pushed them apart a hand on each chest in pain a lot of pain but pushed it through if it wasn't for the rush of girlfriend adrenaline i would be in the floor right now
"y/n your bruises on your neck i could see that it hurt but you didn't want to say anything"draco said his hands immediately released from fists as he looked me in the eyes but as soon as he said that he could see i was in pain my eyes shot to tom
"i-is that true y/n d-did i hurt you"tom said as he looked away from draco to me hands releasing as well i could see that this hurt him
"no i-i mean a little yeah but i'm fine ok it didn't hurt that bad and re-remember i like pain"i said my hands were still on both boys chest
"i-i hurt you"tom said as he stepped away from me hurt in his eyes
"no baby i'm fine ok i'm fine"i said as i walked towards him and put both hands on his face as i looked into his eyes i could feel his pain
"w-we need to get ready or we're going to be late remember you still have to go to pansy's room"he said as he left my grip and walked to the bathroom to finish getting dressed. I sat back down on the bed before i collapsed my legs were shaking and they hurt so bad. I only pushed through the pain before because i was more worried about the boys almost killing each other. I think i might have to choose soon this this is getting to much. I love them both so much it hurts like literally hurts. Even just thoughts about picking even though there only thoughts i was tearing up but i'm not doing that in front of them other wise i'll have to explain why i'm crying and if i say i'm picking i'll loose them both so i'm gonna find a way around it.
We all finished getting ready and they dropped me off at pansy's room.
"oh hey y/n, tom, and draco i didn't know you guys were coming"pansy said with a confused look as to why were here
"oh shit i forgot to text you umm can you please do that healing spell"i said as i looked down at my body she saw the bruises on my neck and wrist and her eyes widened and she giggled a little i looked at her again to get me out of this situation
"oh yeah sure come in"pansy said as she coughed a little then stepped aside to let me in
"i'll see you guys at the great hall ok"i said as i kissed them both on the cheek but tom sorta just looked away they left and we went inside
"umm are you guys ok"pansy said as she shut the door all i did was stand there my back to her as she realised i was so silent she walked around to the front of me my eyes were at the floor red as i was tearing up
"hey hey are you ok"she said as she waved her hand in front of me to divert my eyes off the floor i looked at her as a few tears fell down my face
"what's wrong"she said but again i was silent till suddenly my legs just gave in and i collapsed to the the floor crying, sniffing, screaming, and heavily breathing
"y/n y/n talk to me"pansy said as she sat down next to me and shook my body to try and get me to snap out of it but i just fell into her arms crying
"ok ok let it out"she said as she stroked my hair we sat like this for about 7-8 minutes then i got it together and sat up out of her arms
"now can you tell me what's wrong"she said as she whipped a tear from my eye
"well me and the boys had rough rough sex last night but they went harder then probably ever, even harder then my birthday and they left bruises everywhere, they both saw this and immediately felt bad like they both cried after cause they saw that they had hurt me badly, then this morning me and tom were playing around and he had his hand on my throat, draco came over and said to get off of me and tom got defensive and they almost fought, i broke it up then asked draco why he freaked out and he said cause he saw i was in pain from toms hand around my neck and tom got upset and hurt and a thought just ran through my mind"i said as tears began to run down my face again
"what thought"she said in a soft voice whipping away tears again
"th-that i'll have to choose cause it's getting problematic having both of them both of them possessive, defensive, protective especially towards each other"i said my voice braking tears running faster then ever
"hey no you don't you just have to be careful with them you don't have to choose"she said as she pulled me in for a tight hug
"yeah i know it was just a thought i couldn't choose if i wanted to i would die without them now that i have them i'm never loosing them"i said as she let go of me i whipped the tears from my eyes and pansy did the spell.
We got to the grate hall and sat down we had like 10 minutes before class.
"hey what took so long"blaise said as he kissed pansy on the cheek
"sorry girl talk"i said as i winked at him me and pansy just laughed
I got an apple and slowly walked to my first class with tom and draco although draco had class a few classes over which was good.

——————————————————————————————————————————————————————Thank you for reading and please comment if this was hard to understand i feel like it got a bit confusing but i don't know and please vote thank you xx

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