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It was almost time it was about two days before the meeting and we were preparing. Me, Tom and Draco have been spending every minute we can together in case anything goes wrong. I doubt it will though we have so many loyal and strong followers. We've spent most nights fooling around doing all sorts of things dancing, singing, picnics in my room, movie marathon and so much more. To be honest it's been one of the best week and a bit of my entire life.

It's now the day before the meeting and everyone is training I guess you could call it. Witches practicing magic, vampires fuelling up and practicing as well while wolfs train in fighting. Me and my family were tasked with watching over our guests and making sure they get what is needed. Everyone here knows who I am as i've met most before and when they all arrived we held a meeting of our own and my father introduced me and my siblings. Some wolfs were sparing with each other, when the other person got to carried away and pick him up throwing him. He ended hitting this girl as well as some other vampires.

They surrendered the now on the floor wolf standing in front of him while flashing there teeth at the other wolfs.
"whoa whoa whoa"I said walking towards them
"don't touch her you revolting dog"one of the vampires said through hissed teeth
"who you calling a dog"another male wolf said stepping forward getting the vampires attention
"you and go take a bath or something you stink"the vampire said still with his teeth out
"shut the fuck before I kill you again"the wolf said before I finally managed to get in between the two
"look they were sparing and hit on accident"I said to the vampires as they nodded and faces went back to normal
"and they thought you were attacking them"I said to the wolf who stepped down.

I defused that situation and walked over to my father.
"hey dad"I said tiredly
"hey"he said smiling at me
"did you see that"I said and his smile faded
"yes I did"He said sighing and looking away from me back at the room full of people
"what made you think it was a good idea to put them all in the same room"I said looking back at everyone
"To be honest I actually don't know"he said with another long sigh and walked away

It was dinner time and we all got dinner sitting down at the long table. Some people say other places some didn't eat but I did. This could be my very last meal if i'm not carful or someone I love last meal. These thoughts made me kind of mad that someone was trying to hurt me let alone my family. Dinner was over quickly and I walked to my room with Tom, Draco, Pansy, Blaise, Lizzie, Jo, Jason, Hope and Kai. We decided to all spend the night together but all agreed that it had to be a kind of early night as we have a big day tomorrow. We stayed up little late talking and reminiscing in memories. Some tears were shed once it really hit a few of them that this could be there last day.

I woke up had a shower and got dressed. We did a few things before meeting Augustine. We ran over the plan like three times, we all fuelled up and trained a little again before it was time. Me, my mother, father and aunt got to the place we were meeting them. We walked in to this abandoned house and it looked like we were early. We waited and then suddenly people started to walk in, it was intimidating now cause it was only us four.
"hello y/n"The same stranger from so long ago said but I did not answer
"I see you might be mad but the whole Augustine organisation is here and ready to listen to your terms"he said as the final few people walked in and shut the doors
"well i'm not giving you my daughter"my dad said and the strangers face dropped

Sorry if this is a little dramatic xx

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