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"dad what the hell are you doing what's wrong"you say as your dad has a tight grip on your arm pulling you to the car
"shh your going to draw attention to us it's to dangerous for us to be here anyway"he say chucking you in the van with your friends and siblings
"ok dad now that we're in the car tell me what the hell is going on and why you grabbed us and chucked us in this fucking van"you say in anger as you start to loose control because you hate small places and being lied to
"we can talk when we get home ok but y/n you need to calm down"your dad say taking your hand and you dreary deeply in and out
"ok fine but as soon as we get home"you say looking him dead in the eye as serious as you could
"yes as soon as we get home"your dad says looking back at your mother who is driving
you guys arrive home unpack everything then you and your dad go to your room and talk so everyone else can't hear
"ok so you remember when i called you a few weeks ago"he says sitting on the bed
"yeah of course"you say sitting next to him
"well i called because i need your help our family i-is in danger"he says grabbing my hand
"what what kind of danger"you say face turning to your tribrid one and eyes going red
"y/n i need you to stay calm"he says but before he could continue you cut him off
"stay calm STAY CALM how am i supposed to stay calm when the people i love more then anything in this world are in danger"you say yelling at him face now turned fully into your tribrid one and eyes glowing red in anger
"i know i know but your friends and siblings can't hear you at least not yet"he says calming you down to sit back on the bed
"ok ok but what's wrong why are you in danger"you say calming yourself breathing in and out
"well it seems someone has found a way to kill us i thought we'd be ok till you'd finish school but thing escalated a lot and we've had a few attacks but this place is under a human we've compelled them to stay close just in case"he says you immediately jump to your feet
"WHAT"you scream while claws appear out of your finger nails
"y/n remember calm ok"he says taking your hand sitting you back down
"yeah yeah ok so that's why we stopped out the front and waited for like 10 minutes so we could be invited in but yeah whatever go on"you say again breathing getting it under control
"well it seems an enemy now has the white oak and we can't destroy it can only be destroyed by putting it in something then killing it but it has to be something or someone very very powerful"he says worried
"ok well what can we put it in"you say looking at him horrified
"your aunt freya has a very powerful pendant that she thinks we can put it inside then destroy it"he says calming his tone trying not to sound so scared
"ok well what do you need me for"you say horrified of his answer
"well your one of the most powerful witches in our family and freya and davina need your help siphoning the power and putting it in the pendant"he says concerned as if he wanted me to have nothing to do with it
"oh dad it's ok i can help"you say trying not to sound as terrified as you are
"really cause if you don't want to we can ask your sisters or another witch"your father says grabbing both your hands and looking you dead in the eyes
"yes i'm sure i'll be fine"well at least that's what you said but that's not how you dealt but he didn't need to know that
*repeats everything that you just talked about with your dad to all your friends and siblings*
"i can't believe she would agree to that"hope says in frustration
"i know right"the twins say in union just as annoyed
"guys come on she's doing to protect her family you know that that's the most important thing to her she'd do anything for you guys"pansy says annoyed that they were talking about you like that
"yeah your right but i can't believe my family is in that much danger and dad waited till school was over he could've died"hope says really angry
"yeah but he didn't think it would get this bad come on he just wanted you guys to finish school on a good note"blaise says calm which kind of annoys me like how can he be so calm but whatever
"guys there coming act cool"i say sitting on the couch pretending to start a conversation with hope
"guys come on i know you heard everything"you say a little upset but laugh it off
"you guys aren't very quiet and it's rude to ease drop you know"you say looking at kai as you let out another little laugh everyone just laughs
"ok good everyone knows now"freya says walking in the room giving you a big hug as the rest of your aunts and uncles and mother walk in after her
"we must prepare you this will take more magic then you could ever imagine"freya says still with a tight grip around you
"w-what w-wait more than it took to save hope"you say concerned as freya let's go looking you in the eyes
"yes but if your not up to it i can get someone else"freya says rubbing my arms
"no no i'll be fine i can do it"you say hiding the fact that your scared shit less
"ok then let's get started"freya says pulling you towards a field to help you prepare while your dad and uncles try and lure out the enemy to get ahold of the whit oak
*a few days go by and your fully trained and your dad has lured out the enemy*
everyone is fighting including your siblings and friends you see a witch go after pansy while she's distracted fighting a vampire the witch jumps her from behind but you throw them off of her with your magic then go back to fighting a wolf
"Y/N"your dad screams you then see someone walk in with white oak you look at your aunts and you all three of you join hands and start chanting while everyone is still fighting the person with the white oak just try's to run at you and kill you but tom and draco stop him grab him and push him to the floor with the white oak in his hand you look at him with a dirty look
"don't ever mess with my family again any of use"you shout as your face changes and you continue chanting your family and friends are just looking at you in awe you mange you siphon the magic out of the white oak and successfully put it in the pendant but you faint out of exhaustion from using to much magic at once your family relies and draco picks you up off the floor and carries you home you all get home your still out cold and draco puts you on the couch
"what happened why'd she faint"draco says raising his voice and looking at freya annoyed and rude like
"one don't talk or look at her like that and two the boys right what happened"your dad says first looking at draco then at freya
"well it looks like a simple over use of magic but the way she just collapsed and still hasn't woken up it seems more than that"frays says concerned
"let me just try something"freya says saying a spell and hovers her hands over your body moving them up and down with her eyes closed
"oh no"freya says in a worried tone
" "oh no" what huh"your dad says annoyed
"well it seems that she's used so much magic that if i can't heal her in time we could loose her to limbo forever"she says taking her hands away and opening her eyes
"WHAT no no no i should've never let her do this no no no my baby"your dad says collapsing next to you crying
"klaus it's not your fault she's stubborn she would've done it weather you said yes or no we both know that"freya says placing her hand on his shoulder
"well how do we cure her"pansy says worried and stepping forward
"well i have the cure in one of my spell book the only problem is i don't know what one i have about 30 spell books with at least 300 hundred spells in each"freya says concerned
"well can't we do like a locator spell"lizzie says worried
"yes well not a locator spell us such but i know how to find it pansy,hope and twins come with me draco, tom, kia and blaise i need you to get me these things while we find the actual recipe elijah, rebekah, hayley, kol and davina you get this stuff klaus you stay there with her just in case she gets worse"freya says running around writing it all down
"worse worse how do i know if she's getting worse"klaus says worried
"she'll start to shiver, grunt and move a lot when she's ice cold that's when she's gone to far so we need to hurry we've got about 6 hours before that happens and we still need to get all this and find this recipe so get to work"freya says walking out of the room clicking her fingers for pansy and them to follow

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