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As we arrive at the shops in new orleans we spilt up girls with girls and boys with boys for a little then we all met up had lunch and everyone sorta just split pansy and blaise went god knows where
hope, lizzie, jo and kai went god knows where
and then it was just left with tom, y/n and draco

You guys went to all sorts of shops but you came across a lingerie store called Victoria Secret you looked at both boy and they shook there heads but that didn't stop you from going inside and as you expected both boys followed you in following you as you walk around picking out nice pieces of lingerie and just smiling at the boys you could see the desire in there eyes to see you in any of these pieces but you just continued picking out pieces you had about 5 sets of lingerie and just a few bras and nickers that didn't match you also got pyjama sets with just silk then lace at the bottoms and tops of the shirts and shorts you walked up to the register and placed them on the counter as the cashier scanned them and put them in the bag
"i can't wait to see you in these"tom says wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you back your back facing his front and kissing down your neck
"you won't get the chance"you say tilling to your head back as he continues kissing down your neck
"sure we'll see what your saying tonight"he says stoping and letting go of you and stepping back
you see the cashier check out both boys which made you mad especially considering tom was just kissing down your neck she was looking draco up and down then her eyes traveled to tom you grew angrier as she kept staring at what was yours so you turned around to draco walked up to him grabbed his hand and dragged him over to we're tom was standing you then began to kiss tom as draco kissed down your neck grabbing your waist with both hands and pushing your ass up against him while tom had one hand around your neck and the other in your hair you stoped kissing both boys and walked back over to the cashier
"that'll be $150 thank you"she said looking nervous
"i'll pay for it love"draco said handing you his card
"no i'll pay for it princess"tom said handing out his card as well
"no i can pay for it myself but thank you bubs"you say swiping your card through the eftpos machine
"all good have a lovely afternoon"the cashier says handing you your bag
"thank you and i will"you say winking at her and leaving
"what was that about"draco says as you leave the store
"she was checking you guys out i hat to show her your mine"you say walking to the next store smirking
As your in the next store there's this group of boys you've never seen them before but one of the whistles at you
"piss the fuck off she's taken"tom says wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you back towards him and flipping the group of boys off
"yeah fuck of you don't stand a chance"draco adds on forming fists
"i don't know she's hot as fuck"one of the boys reply to draco and tom looking you up and down
"you better fucking run you little bitch"tom says letting go of you and walking towards the boys
"nah now your fucked bitch"draco says walking with tom towards them
"wow wow hey hey look at me it's ok i'm fine let's just go"you say running in front of both boys and putting your hand on there chests pushing them back
"y/n move"draco says in anger as he's still staring down the boys
"no"you say still trying to push them back
"y/n i don't want to hurt you move"tom says still staring down the boys
"no fucking look at me"you say placing your hand on both the boys faces forcing them to look down and make eye contact with you
"fine but your fucking lucky"tom says backing off and pointing at the group and walking away as well as draco
"well that was fucking fantastic"you say sarcastically walking towards a shop but you've put yours hands on your face so you can't see and accidentally walk into someone
"omg i'm so sorry i didn't mean to"you say stepping back from the boy
"fucking watch it stupid bitch"some random boy says looking at you up and down and scoffing you then feel someone grab your arm tightly and pull you back
"the fuck did you just say to her"tom says pulling your arm back so your now standing behind him and draco
"i told the little whore to watch where the fuck she's going"the boy replies and with that tom punched him in the face forcing the boy to the floor he got back up and punched tom as tom fell to the ground draco grabbed his shirt and punched him forcing him to the ground again draco gets on top of him and punches him repeatedly in the face
"move"tom demands to draco draco moves and tom starts punching him
"omg stop"you say both boys ignore you taking turns punching him in the face then the boys friend try's to pull draco off the boy and draco tackles him
"what the fuck all my friend was doing was telling your slutty dressed bitch to watch where she's going she walked into him"the boys friend says pointing at me
"don't fucking talk about her like that"draco says punching the guy repeatedly on the floor the boy then punched draco in the stomach and flips him over and starts punching him but draco pushed off before he got to many hits then hit him again you turn back to tom who's now standing up fighting this guy
"what's this slut to you anyway"the boy says angrily spitting out some blood
"she's the fucking love of my life you dick"tom says tackling the boy again but the boy somehow flipped him over and got a few hits in toms face but tom flipped back over and started punching him again
"BOYS STOP"you scream at them as they continue punching
"you know you should really listen to your little bitch"the boy fighting draco says as he punches draco
"stop talking about her like that"draco says punching him harder
"TOM DRACO FUCKING STOP"you say but they just continue till you see blaise and kia swoop in and pull them off the boys as pansy pulls you away from the fight comforting you
"let me fucking go"draco says trying to escape blaise arms
"no mate you've done enough"blaise says pulling him form the fight
"kia i meant it let me go he fucking called y/n a slut a bitch and a whore i'm gonna fucking kill him"tom says trying to push kias arms away
"no cause if i let you keep going your actually going to kill him" kia says pulling him away harder
"ugh fine"draco says spitting blood out and onto the boy he was fighting then walking away
"fuck you"tom says spitting blood on him and walking away to
"are you ok princess"tom says walking up to you and he pacing his bloody handy on your face cupping in between both his palms
"no i'm not did you not here me yelling at you to fucking stop"you say sobbing and looking into his eyes
"but darling he was say awful things about you and we won't let anyone say or do anything to hurt"draco says putting his hand on your chin and tilting your head to face him
"i know but next time when i say stop please stop cause they also got a few good hits in"you say looking at both boys and placing a hand on each of there faces whipping away the blood for some of there cuts
"of course princess"tom says softly kissing your lips the taste of the blood made you squirm but you didn't deny the kiss and kissed him back as well as draco
When you got home hope was furious at what happened
"HOW COULD YOU LET THAT HAPPEN"hope yelled at you from across the lounge room
"DID YOU NOT SEE ME STANDING THERE SCREAMING AT THEM TO STOP I WAS FUCKING CRYING"you say screaming back at her from the other side of the room
"what's all the screaming about"you mom says walking into the lounge room a long with everyone else
"DO YOU WANNA TELL THEM OR SHOULD I"hope screams at you
"and why is that"your mom says folding her arms and facing you
"BECAUSE I BUMPED INTO SOMEONE AND HE CALLED ME A BITCH SLUT AND A WHORE AND THEY STOOD UP FOR ME"you scream looking at hope but replying to your mother
"WELL IF YOU DIDN'T DRESS LIKE SUCH A COMPLETE SLUT IT PROBABLY WOULDN'T OF HAPPENED"hope screams at you her hybrid face showing since she hasn't go all side activated she's only a witch and werewolf
"YOU BITCH"your full tribrid face appears
"HOPE THATS ENOUGH"your mom screams but you both ignore her
"PLEASE YOUR NO SISTER OF MINE WHORE"she screams at you you both start to turn into wolfs

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