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"ahhhh"hope screams out in pain
"hey it's ok hey i'm here"y/n said brushing her out of her hair while draco, pansy, blaise, tom,jo and lizzie just stare
"i've called mum and dad there on there way with some of caroline's friends they say they can help"i say as the doors open to the great hall
"ohh my baby my poor baby"hayley says dropping all her stuff and sliding across the floor to hope Klaus walks in and immediately looks so worried
"hi i'm Bonnie Bennett i believe i know what happening to your sister"a gorgeous dark skin, brown short curly hair and hazelnut eyes
"hi um what's wrong with her"i say concerned and worried
"i'm pretty sure her powers are uncontrollable because she has so much power built up and not letting it out enough it will happen to the both of you"bonnie says checking hope out to see if there are any marks or anything on her body
"so this could happen to the both of us"you say messaging hopes head softly
"yes this is why you need to let your powers out more often with someone of your guys kind being such powerful beings because of being witch, vampire and werewolf you need to be careful it doesn't fully consume you"bonnie says moving me out the way and entering hopes mind
"but she's only witch and werewolf she's not a full tribrid i am" i say worried and stepping out of the way
"yes but she's been through a lot with the hollow and things like that so she's just as powerful but the fact that she's not fully a tribrid can make her powers unimaginably dangerous"bonnie says grunting while in hopes mind
"AHHHH"hope screams out in so much pain breaking all the windows as they smash draco, tom and my dad jump on top of me covering me from the glass shards blaise jumping on pansy hayley, elijah, lizzie and jo jumping on hope and bonnie i went to jump on hope to but my dad go in the way
"dad why would you do that i could've jumped on hope to"i say angrily
"and risk hurting you and plus i'm not the only one"he says pointing to the two boys behind just about covered in glass shards
"omg tom draco" i say catching both of them before they fall to the ground
"why would you do that in immortal i could have taken it" say with both the boys heads in my lap feeding them my blood to help them heal
"yeah true but where would there be the fun in that"tom says smirking at me i chuckle a little
"omg no no Y/NN Y/NNNN hurry it's blaise draco, tom and me jump up at the sad cry's coming from pansy
"oh no what happened he jumped in top of me to save me from the glass"pansy says whipping her tears
"hey it ok i can heal him"i say feeding him my blood
"omg thank merlin your ok"pansy says getting on top of him with her legs spread like lizzies were on tom me tom and draco just look at each other like wtf did we miss something or but i ignored it immediately getting up to check on hope
"hey sis you ok hanging in there"i say to hope holding back tears
"sis please help i'm sorry i did what i did to y-you and pansy but please help it hurts"she says stuttering and squirming in pain
"yeah i k is we both forgive you we are trying to help i just need you to hang in there for me ok"i say now completely braking down and crying tom and deco coming over to comfort me by rubbing my arms
"we have to someway move her out side because if she screams like that again she could blow this whole place up"bonnie says whipping away some blood of her cheek
"please your hurt let me help"i say offering out my wrist
"no i'm ok it's only a little one"she says ignoring my wrist
"oh ok how are we supposed to move her"i say crossing my arms
"i'm not sure we could try levitating her but it will take three of us because she's so uncontrollable"
"i'll help"say both the twins joining hands
"ok so me jo and lizzie it is"bonnie says gently putting hopes head down and standing up
"jo lizzie here you'll need to fuel up both of you"i say putting out both my hands
"no i'll siphon you and lizzie can siphon bonnie both of us siphoning you at the same time can be dangerous you know that"jo says crossing her arms
"all three of you need to be at full strength so here take as much as you need i'll be fine"i say again offering my hands out again
"fine but only this one time and if it gets to much say and we will stop"lizzie says grabbing my hand and jo the other
"ok ready go"i say as they both start siphoning them getting stronger and me weaker as my eyes start to shut and i start to loose balance
"omg y/n"jo says stopping and catching me
"i'm fine keep going you haven't got enough"i say standing back up wobbly
"fine"lizzie says grabbing my hand and jo the other i start to fall again and jo get hesitant but tom and draco grab me helping me stay on my feet they get what they need and let go of my hands draco let's go and tom catch's me and holds me close and tight bridal stile

"ahhhh"hope screams out in pain"hey it's ok hey i'm here"y/n said brushing her out of her hair while draco, pansy, blaise, tom,jo and lizzie just stare "i've called mum and dad there on there way with some of caroline's friends they say they can h...

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"thank you tom"i say regaining my consciousness
"it's all good anything for you my princess"tom says pulling me in more and putting his head on mine so close we could've kissed i mean i wouldn't complain it back to hope
Tom POV-
god she's gorgeous oh shit she's waking up
"thank you tom"y/n says regaining consciousness
"anything for you my princess"i say pulling her closer to my body and placing my head so close to her i could've kissed her i should've but she's got so much going on this isn't how i want it to be i'll save it for a special moment she pulls away and draws her attention to her sister not saying any about me still caring her so i don't put her down she wraps her hands around my neck and pulling her self to my ear and says
"i'm truly thankful for you and all you've done for me and my family i love you"while gently kissing my cheek i contain myself but on the inside i'm screaming like a little girl
"like i stated earlier anything for my princess"i say putting her down her arms still around my neck she then removes them and turns to draco teaching up to him hugging him and wrapping her arms around his neck as her robe lifts a little her ass points out clearly because of dracos arms wrapped around her waist tightly showing off her amazing curves merlin how i wish to hit that but i can't be careless or anything with her she means to much
Draco's POV
"she hugs tom and there whispering to each other it looks like she's kissed him or he's about to but he slowly puts her down and she turns to me and hugs me tight so i do the same
"thank you draco for all you do for me i love you"she says kissing my cheek then hugging tighter and bearing her head into my neck i could see tom checking out her body but i brush it off and hug tightly not wanting this moment to end but she pulls away and moves her attention to her sister
I love both boys so much but yet equally i can't choose and i hope i never have to otherwise i'm going to loose the other one but right now i need to focus on my sister
"ok are you guys ready to move her"i say looking at all three of them
"yeah"they all reply
"ok good follow me"i say walking in front as they levitate hope
"ahh"hope screams as they move her up and forward towards outside she's basically screaming the whole way in pain i'm struggling to remember where to go because of all the tears in my eyes i hate seeing her in such pain so draco pulls me out the way and holds me and tom leads them out side i almost collapsed into his arms but we kept moving his arm wrapped around my waist holding me close we finally got out side
"hope darling i need you to scream as loud as you can let it all out"bonnie says lowering hope down to the floor
"wait won't that blow up Hogwarts like you said before"i say worried
"no not now that we're out side but you will have to take cover you can't be this close to her when she screams she could blow you or your brain into a million shattered little pieces"bonnie say backing away
"ok let's take cover then"i say pulling tom and draco while the rest take cover
"ok so what will happen hope is when i tell you to scream just go for it scream as loins as you can let it all out then i'm going to cast a spell to stop this from happening again but i can't guarantee anything so every now and then BOTH of you must go somewhere deserted and let it all out to stop this from repeating"she says opening up her arms and taking deep breath's
"ok hope you got this scream"bonnie says taking another step back
"AHHHHHH"hope screams and bonnie does the spell the whole building shakes so me lizzie and jo cast a spell to keep the building steady the it passes
"ok how do you feel now"bonnie says but no response
"hope"i say say hesitantly walking towards her then again no response me jo and lizzie runn at her she's unconscious
"hope wake up hope"jo says shaking her
"what did you do"i say turning to bonnie with my eyes red and very mad i throw her across the room to the wall without the use of my wand of course
"ahh ow i didn't do anything"she says replying as she hits the wall
"y-y/n is that you"hope says faintly opening her eyes i immediately drop bonnie not caring how high she was my eyes go back to normal and i turn around running at her
"omg your ok thank merlin your ok"i say hugging her as jo helps her up
"yeah i'm fine i'm just really tired and thirsty thank you bonnie"she says looking behind me
"your very welcome now on bed rest for a few days then you should be back to normal"bonnie says picking up her stuff to leave

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