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As soon as my dad said that and the mans face dropped my aunt said the spell and the doors flew open. All the Augustine armed guards faced the doors with there guns we didn't know they would have. They started shooting missing most cause they were just blindly shooting. I acted fast though managing to make them drop there guns and throw them where they can't get them. People started running in screaming from every direction. The stranger that tried to take me goes by the name Michael. I spotted him in the middle of this circle while people tried so hard to protect him. Many people ran at the circle but they somehow knew this was going to happen cause they were very prepared. They had stakes knives and obviously guns. I saw there guards kill multiple vampires, witches and wolfs but we were still going strong.

I spotted pansy fighting off a guard while another ran at her from behind. I ran through the crowd of people dodging them and hitting them trying to make it to pansy. I made it just in time to jump in front of the knife. I winced as the knife dug through my skin, but obviously since i'm tribrid only white oak can kill me since my vampire side is part of the original witch spell cause of my dad. The man that stabbed me twisted the knife and screamed before he let go. I put both my hands on it slowly pulling it out and when it came out looking at the already healing cut through my ripped shirt. I looked up with the knife in my hand and my tribrid face showing. I saw the man face go from a smile to a very scared face as I looked at him. I took the knife and stabbed him in his chest leaving it there as his body dropped.

I continued to fight protecting people when I could and killing as many as I could. I met with Tom who saw my ripped bloody shirt.
"what happened are you hurt"Tom said frantically shooting spells to kill people
"no i'm fine see all healed all better"I said as I patted the skin and he nodded at me
"where's Draco"I asked as me and Tom fought back to back
"I don't know he was with me a minute ago but he ran off to go help some witch"Tom said and I tried to scan the room to see if I could find him. I saw him and he was fine a bit of a busted lip but that's about it. I looked around the room finding all my family seeing that they were ok and not hurt badly. I kept fighting slowly making my way to the circle Michael was in the middle of there was a circle of three guards circled around him.

I finally made it through the first two and to one of the last guards, he put up a good fight but not good enough for an original tribrid. I walked in the circle and his guards closed it making sure no one else got through. But before I could start to fight him the inner circle turned around to fight me. My people as well as Michael's were dying fast and we didn't have many people left. I finished fighting the inner circle that had turned around to fight me. Once I knocked out the last guard I saw that Michael was gone. He was finally fighting and was doing a surprisingly good job. I was shocked as I saw him with an unusual stake killing many people vampire, which and wolf, all with the same stake. Vampires would die almost immediately and who he's and wolfs would sort of just bleed out.

We kept pushing through but I could tell that we were loosing there was more of them then there was us. There was suddenly no one in my way besides dead body's. I walked over them slowly increasing speed as I ran at Michael. I jumped king hitting him in the face he fell to the floor and it took him a while to get up. I wanted to make his death painful to show anyone that ever survives this which no one besides my family will to not fuck with my family. He finally got up and got into a fighting position putting up his hands in fist in front of his face. He threw a punch at me but I dodged it quickly but he was quick as well and hit me with his other hand. This caused me to stumble the rest of my family were still fighting off the last few guards. I got my balance back and hit square in face breaking his nose.
"fuck"he whispered holding his nose
"still want me"I said viciously
"of course"he said giving me a creepy smirk. Eww what the fuck why'd he look at me like that. I brushed this thought out of my head and punched him again almost making him spin.

"well now your going to die"I said as I saw my family finish off the last few guards and all walked towards us. There was only us and maybe 28 other people left.
"this is the end the end for you and definitely the end for Augustine"I said punching him again and he fell to the floor. I was kicking him in the stomach so he turned over and laid on the floor. He looked at me and smiled I was so confused. He then went for his pocket that had a stake in it. Unfazed cause I didn't think it was anything special I just stood there. Luckily one of the other vampires realised it was white oak and grabbed it before he could stab me with it.
"how did you get that"I said kicking him again causing him to groan
"do you really think I would come to meeting with your family and bring a lethal weapon with me"he said raising an eyebrow at me
"silly girl"he said closing his eyes and sighing
"you know you won't kill me and then i'll go back to Augustine rebuild our empire and-"he started to say but before he could finish I killed him ripping out his heart.

"well that's that done"I said turning around to my family and the left over vampires, wolfs and witches
"i'm so sorry for your losses"I said while looking at the vampires, wolf and witches to which they nodded
"let's get out of here"I said and all my family agreed and we all left like nothing happened.

It's been about a year since everything and we've lived in nothing but peace. My relationship with Tom and Draco still going strong. We're going out clubbing tonight. Me and all the girls got ready as usual in my room as the boys got ready in Mattheos. We finished getting ready and walked down the stairs of our freshly renovated house. The boys looked so hot as we all walked down the stairs like models the boys turned to us and jaws dropped. Us girls just laugh at how they act with us there's only couples in this house or in mine, Draco and Toms case a three way relationship. Jo and Jason, Pansy and Blaise, Lizzie and Mattheo, Hope and Kai(there not related in anyway). We took our lovers arms and walked out to the cars but we were taking a limo cause we like to be extra like that. My dad always gave us the money we needed. We pulled up at the club and we all got out and went inside.

Well I don't know if you can't tell but this is the last chapter of this book😭. I'm so sorry to be ending this story I absolutely love it but I do want to wright something else and I feel like this book is just holding me back. I also feel like this book was really dragged out started to get silly kind of. I am so very great full for all the support i've gotten on this book I can't thank you guys enough. The new book i'm writing will not be a Hogwarts fanfic it'll be a Mafia book i've started it just haven't published it yet. I've been wanting to start a book like that for so long but I was always scared I would forget about this one. I would appreciate it so much if you would go check that book out once it's published but I totally understand if it's not your type of read. Please do not be angry with me and if you have any questions my messages and comments are always open. I will be going through this book and editing it to make it more understandable.


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