the zoo ~ 14

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The next morning Evangeline was woken up by a hand above her hip pulling her in. When she opened her eyes she saw Spencer's messy, fluffy hair perfectly carving his sharp jawline that looked like it could cut glass. He nuzzled his head into her neck before pulling on her hip so she was closer to him. He moved his thumb in a back-and-forth motion across her stomach while the two just laid there in the silence, both knowing each was awake but just taking in each other's presence. The two stayed cuddling and holding each other before he took a deep inhale and moved so he could now see her eyes. 

"Hi pretty girl." His morning voice still very noticeable.   

"Good morning" a slight giggle leaving her lips as he leans in giving her a quick kiss before getting out of bed. The memories from yesterday flooding back. How the two stayed together the whole night just sleeping as Spencer wiped away occasional tears that fell down her cheek when Evangeline thought about Ian or really anything that happened to her weeks prior. 

"Come on let's get up and do something." Evangeline sees Spencer sitting at the edge of the bed grabbing her ankle and pulling her towards him. 

She shrieks in excitement as he leans down to kiss her. "Don't get too excited we're not doing that today" He laughs as he drags her into the kitchen, bridal style. She sits down on a barstool and watches him put the coffee pot on. "How would you like your coffee?" He asks biting his bottom lip in a childish way. 

"With some creamer and sugar but not too much but! Not too little so make sure it's absolutely perfect." She waves her arms around like she were in some play from the 1800's. He laughs as he hangs his head down. 

"I put salt in the coffee grounds so the coffee won't be as bitter." He makes his way around the counter and sits beside her. 

"Salt? Why the hell would you put salt?" she gives him a confused look as to why he would put salt in his coffee. 

"Well when you put salt in your coffee, it neutralizes the bitterness by blocking the taste buds responsible for it. A pinch of salt will help to enhance the flavor, but more than that may make the coffee undrinkable. It will also add thickness to the beverage by making the water denser. So basically it makes the coffee smoother so the bitterness just, poof goes away." Just as he finishes the coffee pot goes off signaling that the coffee is ready. She watches him grab two mugs from the cabinet, put them down on the counter then pour the coffee, put an absurd amount of sugar in his coffee but put a tiny amount of sugar and creamer in hers. 

"So what are we having for breakfast?" she raises her eyebrows at him, he looked at her like she were talking gibberish. 

"I didn't think about breakfast" he sat there with a distinct crease in his eyebrow before something clicked in his head "There's this cute diner with breakfast, lunch and dinner meals that's right by the zoo! We could go there; then if you want the zoo." He sounded so proud of himself for coming up with the idea. 

Absolutely adorable. 

"That sounds amazing Spencer." Evangeline couldn't help but smile at how wholesome he really was.

"Okay perfect so we'll get ready and then head down to the diner!" He leaned in to give her a kiss on the cheek but she turned her head so his lips collied with hers. He smiled into the kiss before pulling back. She gave a pout before getting up and putting her mug in the sink. 

She decided to put something warm on since it was the middle of November in Virginia. She wore a cute baggy sweater that was an olive green color tucked into black pants paired with a regular pair of black converse. Her outfit matched all her curves just right. She was insecure about her body, but she was trying to be better about putting herself down. 

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