too good at goodbyes ~ 7

713 15 8

recap: Evangeline and Spencer got into a little argument which ended with Spencer feeling guilty and shortly after we found out that Evangeline's father (Robert) has kidnapped you, Preston (also known as Jesse), and her brother Ian. She isn't sure if she's interested in Spencer or not. SORRY I KNOW IM REALLY BAD AT RECAPS 



A Week later.....

It's been a whole week since anyone has seen or heard from Evangeline, he wanted to check up on her but the team told him to give her some space. Today after work Spencer decided that he would go to her apartment to see her because he still hasn't apologized for what he said. 

God why did you have to be such a dick sometimes Spencer. 

"Hey kid whats going on with you?" Morgan said as he approached Spencer's desk, he turned his chair around to look at him. 

"What do you mean?" Spencer should have known being upset about something and working with profilers wouldn't turn out well.

"Come on pretty boy ever since dinner at Rossi's you've been weird" he can tell Derek is genuinely concerned about him, he's always been like that with Spencer. Ever since he joined the BAU Morgan's been one of his best friend but Spencer sees him more as a big brother than anything. 

"I'm not sure Morgan I just..." he let out an exaggerated sigh "I still feel really horrible about what I said to Evangeline, I just snapped and it slipped out. I decided I will stop by her place today after work so I can apologize to her, but I'm scared. I'm scared that I will ruin our friendship because Evangeline is fragile, she always has been and I'm scared that I will lose my best friend Morgan." 

Why am I getting so worked up about this, it was a small argument I wasn't going to lose her over this and I knew that but yet I still believed I would. It was stupid but Evangeline means so much to me and since she's joined the team I haven't been happier these last four years I was finally happy and Evangeline caused that, and I don't want to lose that.

6:00 pm rolled around and he grab the copy of The Catcher in the Rye on his desk, and his satchel and walked to the elevator. He had to drive to work because Evangeline usually drives him to and from work but she's taken a week 'vacation'. 

As he was driving he decided to listen to music because if he sat in silence his thoughts would have took over and he most likely would have gotten into a crash. 

Spencer pulled into Evangeline's apartments parking garage trying to develop a speech in his head to recite to her. He closed his eyes and imagined what the night would be like, as he walked up the stairs to her apartment, he stared at the number 263 in silver plastered on an oak door and knock five times exactly, she would open the door and smile but before she can get a word out he would say, "Evangeline I'm sorry. I'm so deeply sorry for what I said to you. I had no right to say those things about you or your past. I don't want you to tell me what happened in your life because thats not why I'm here, I'm here because I want you to know that I will always be here for you Evangeline. You are my best friend and I couldn't imagine losing you over something so small and stupid Evangeline. You don't realize how much you mean to me and the last thing I want to do is make you upset or to make you cry. I just wanted you to know that Evangeline, I'm not expecting you to forgive me right away or ever although that would be pretty stupid.."

We would share a small laugh.

"But I hope that we can still be friends because I would be hurting so much, only this past week I have been hurting and you've been in this apartment only 15 minutes away from me. Ever since you have joined the team I've been happier' 

so much happier 

'Because you make me happy, you make me feel some type of way I can't explain it. Please forgive me Evangeline thats all I ask." 

I stand in the doorway of her apartment and looks down slightly starring down at her face, I smile and thankfully she returns it. We look at each other with dedication and she moves closer to me, grabs my jaw and strokes my cheek with her thumb. I move my head slightly closer to hers, we lean in and....

He opens his eyes.


A week, It's been a fucking week in this hellhole and they were tired, tired of all the screaming in pain and being punched, kicked, spit at, tortured and she didn't know how much more you could take.

Evangeline opens her eyelids slowly but it feels like they're being weighed down by bricks. "Good Morning Princess." Preston barley gets out of his mouth. 

"If it even is fucking morning" Ian expresses. 

She tries to let out a small laugh but all that she can do is scream or groan and maybe say a few words every once and awhile. At this point all of her clothes are completely trashed, with rips and blood stains. They aren't bringing her much warmth against the cold and cracked concrete floor. She was sure her team would notice her absence or notice how she haven't talked to them in a few days but right now she were hopeless. 

"Hello everyone how are we feeling this fine morning!" She heard a third voice, it was Nathan her son of a bitch cousin. The three stayed silent looking at each-other the best they could considering they beat them all to a pulp on the three day of being a hostage, having her whole face feeling swollen. "Not very talkative right now huh well I can make you speak if you would like." He says grabbing a bat from the corner of the room. "Please don't" Ian says softly while Nathan starts walking over to him. Nathan picks up the bat and swings it, it hits Ian right in the ribs and he screams in pain. 

This hurt her so much to see her brother in pain "Nathan please, what do you want?" Preston states out as Evangeline sobs in the corner trying to not make a sound. 

"What do I want? Well what I want is right here." he says twirling around the room. "But what the family wants is you two." he says motioning his hand between Evangeline and Ian.

"Why us we didn't do anything to harm the family." She says crawling out of the corner. "Unless no... we're not going to absolutely not." Evangeline becoming more stern.

"Do what? Fill me in please I'm also part of whatever deal is happening." Ian says confused and light hearted. Ian's only 24, he was adopted when he was 12, and adopted isn't the right word to use more like kidnapped at 12. He was taken away from his biological family because he has 'potential'. Robert and Celia pointed guns at his parents and threatened to kill them unless they gave them Ian, eventually they gave in.

"They want you to come back to the family and do some dirty work for them idiot. God they want you two losers so bad and I don't get it, you're feds that's so much disrespect to they family AND they still want you I don't get it you know maybe i'll just kill you right now with my bare hands-" he quickly says before he gets interrupted.

"Alright Nathan that's enough" Evangeline looks over at the door and sees someone she hasn't seen in years, her mother. 


hi you guys! sorry i updated super late today i was really distracted lol. this chapter feels really rushed so sorry if it isn't the best, i am trying to keep the story slow-burn but i'm a hopeless romantic soooooo we will see how that goes. tell me how you like the switch in POV also i love you all and hope you have a great day <3- mack 

not 04/10/22 - this chapter was so much shorter jfc I ALSO REALIZED THESE NEW NOTES ARE ME JUST MAKING FUN OF MYSELF LMAOOOO

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