spencer ~ 9

668 13 2

TW: Violence, Death, Guns

recap: the team found out that Evangeline is missing, and Ian (Evangeline's brother) got shot by their mom who kidnapped Evangeline, Ian, and Preston. Ian started saying goodbye while he was dying.

A/N: when the story starts any sad song will be great but I recommend yellow by coldplay, I also advise listening to falling by harry styles when Rossi and Spencer are talking. 



Today of all day's Ian had to be shot, today was the day he had to be dying. Today was the anniversary of Annie's death, and Evangelines baby brother was about to die right in front of her and she couldn't do anything about it. It had been a few hours since Ian was shot and for being shot he was doing how someone would expect the aftermath of being shot would be like. He was coughing up blood and she could tell he was in a lot of pain. 

"Vera don't look at him, look at me" Preston told her in a soothing voice "Hey look at me" she finally turns her head away from her dying brother but it felt like watching a car crash; it's so horrible that she has to keep watching. "He's going to die, and I know that's not what you want to hear but it's the truth Eve. He was shot and plus the beatings he's not going to make it." Preston's green eyes looked into hers as she cried silently with her mouth slightly parted. 

Her brother who she watched grow up was going to die, right in-front of her eyes. Ian Vera her baby brother who was too innocent to say his first swear word until he was 22, but that was only because Preston paid him 30 bucks to say 'shit'. Ian Vera her best friend who was there when the love of her life died, and stayed by her for 3 moths while she ugly cried and just wanted to drink her feelings away. Ian Vera who went to a concert with her and screamed lyrics he claimed he didn't know because the singer's music was too 'poppy' for him. Ian Vera who she watched ride a bike for the first time when he was 12 and how when he scraped his knee she put a Spiderman band-aid on it because that's his favorite super hero. Ian Vera the same person who she sat and watched suffer for hours on end. That Ian Vera is still here and right in front of her but he's just drifting away. You didn't want to admit it but you ultimately knew, he was going to die.

"No, no he can't not right now, not today, not while I'm still alive. Ian James Vera you are not allowed to die on me you hear me!" She said through tears streaking down her cheeks and sobs breaking through her throat. "Do not die on me Ian I swear to god please don't die on me." She was trying to stay strong for him but she was weak, just like her parents had always said. 

"Eve please..please remember you pro-" he coughs, some blood coming up with it "you promised that you wouldn't relapse or hurt yourself again okay you promised." 

I did promise him that but how couldn't I? I was probably going to break that promise immediately. I mean Preston would be there but he keeps a lot of shit bottled up and the team doesn't know about my past and I mean Aaron knows about everything but the relationship was different between us two and I agreed to only talk to each other when most needed and I would need support 24/7 and it's not like Spencer would take time off or anythi- Spencer.

Doctor Spencer Reid. My best friend but he doesn't know about my past so he must be confused out of his damn mind right now, that was always a pet peeve of his, not understanding something. The last memories I have of him was me telling him to get out of my apartment. I'm sure if that is a blessing or a curse, because would I have been kidnapped if he never left or would they have kidnapped him and killed him instead. I'm not sure but I hope that any second he would come rushing in. 

Like magic the door to the small cold, concrete floor room, slammed open and exposed the one and only Doctor Spencer Reid.

Spencer (hours before...)

As Spencer paced the hallway leading up to her apartment he heard multiple people walk up to him and he heard a distant voice talking to Hotch, he may have been in that hallway physically but he was in his head, way too deep in his head. His brain thinking a million miles per minute about what happened to Evangeline. 

Is she dead? Is she alive? Who took her? Why her? if there were other people with her were they those two guys that pointed guns at us in her apartment that one day?!

"Spence! What's going on with you? Why are you panicking so much?" JJ asked him cupping his cheeks with the palms of her hands.

"Why am I panicking Jennifer? Oh I don't know maybe because my best friend could be dead and i can't do anything abou-" She quickly interrupts him.

"Spencer calm down." She goes to hug him and he steps back.

"Don't interrupt me. Evangeline could be dead and we would be why. My best friend could be dead right now lying in a ditch, like any other victim we would be dealing with but this isn't just any other victim. It's Evangeline, our friend. My best friend. I won't calm down JJ. Not now of all times." His voice raises higher in volume the more he talks. 

He walks past everyone in the hallway and down the stairs. Once he gets to the last step, he steps down and breaks. He sits on that last step crying because all he can think about is how he's going to find his best friend dead in a ditch in god knows what city, killed by god knows what unsub. He sits crying for a 3 minutes before he feels a tap on his shoulder and looks up to find Rossi.

"Hey kiddo" He grunts softly as he sits next to Spencer "So how you feeling" Spencer chuckles at how stupid that question is even though there is no humor in this situation.

"Just peachy Rossi." He looks over at Rossi who is already staring at him. 

"Spencer I have known you what eight or nine years and I have never seen you like this before, so that must mean one of two things. One you are just really emotional today or two you have feelings for Vera." Spencer stared a Rossi with confusion on how he came to that conclusion.

If Spencer did have feelings for Evangeline that would explain almost everything that would be happening lately. Spencer has been finding himself staring at Evangeline longer than usual whens she's talking and how her green eyes contrast with her black hair perfectly, or how her tanned skin is smooth. When she talks, she's confident and passionate, and how she says his name out of those perfect lips of hers. How her clothes fit all of her curves and how he always finds her beautiful in the mornings even when she's in her pajamas and no-makeup. It's not just her looks that Spencer loves it's how she cares about what he says and listens to the facts he shares. How he goes to her house and she just comforts him and watches his favorite movies with him. How she goes to the Film Festivals with him and is into things he's into. Doesn't make fun of him for reading a lot of books or being a nerd. To him Evangeline is perfect and makes him feel loved, he was always told her was loved but Evangeline... she makes him feel loved, makes him feel like he has something to stay alive for, something to stay for. 

Spencer takes a second to get up and collect himself and takes a deep inhale, then exhale. "I guess you're right Rossi, I do have feelings for Evangeline." 


i cried multiple times while writing this because i feel like i can write this as smooth as butter and how everything is perfect. I'm not lying when i say you guys are loved, i love you and i know i'm a random stranger on the internet but I LOVE YOU no matter what, my dms are always open and i'm not the quickest responder but i will respond. i love you all  <3- mack

note 04/10/22 - WHY DID I CRY THATS FRICKING FUNNY TO ME AHHHH but the last part remains true, dms are always open no matter what (tbh not the best at giving advice but i'm here) 

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