preston ~ 18

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A/N: There is barely any Spencer in this chapter it is made specifically to get to know Preston better, considering he is a big part of the story! Nothing important really happens, it's more of a filler chapter :)



The next few days with Spencer were amazing, they talked about all things; good and bad, they cuddled, they ate, Spencer was very proud of Evangeline for that one. She truly hadn't felt this happy in a long time, everything was just starting to piece together, everything was starting to make sense.

It was now officially Wednesday which meant Evangeline was to spend the next few days with Preston. She's known Preston practically her whole life so hanging out with him shouldn't be too weird or awkward, except for the fact that the guy she's in love with hates him, and thinks that Preston is in love with her, but that's nothing.

The family had always wanted the two to get married, but Evangeline's never felt that way. With Jesse meeting Beth, and Eve meeting Annie, she never really got to see a lot of that side of Jesse. When the two left the family, Jesse and Eve were closer than ever, but lately they've been distant, ever since the kidnapping, Ian's death, and Spencer. The two haven't really had the time to be together. 

Evangeline was excited to finally be able to talk to him. She said her goodbyes to Spencer. He had let her take his car, so when she got into Spencers car she noticed all the files in his backseat and a single book in the front-seat. 

She picked up the book and read the title "The Glass Magician by Charlie N. Holmberg" she giggled. She wondered how fast it could take him to read that book.

How could he be so smart?

When Evangeline arrived at her apartment and turned the key, she heard a loud crash from inside, she took a small switchblade, that she started carrying around shortly after her kidnapping, from out of her pocket. Holding it tightly in her hand as she slowly opened the apartment door. She held the switchblade in front of you ready to stab anything that moved. Thats when Preston popped up from her couch.

"Where the hell have you been?!" He shouted.

She tripped back as he practically jumped out at her "Jesus Christ Pres, what are you doing here? You weren't supposed to show up until later today." She flipped the blade back into the switchblade casing and placed her bag down. 

"Well I came by earlier excepting to see you here but you weren't, so incase you were going to come home I stayed here. Now tell me where the hell where you?" He was worried and she didn't blame him.

"I was at Spencer's" she mumbled. She looked up to see his face which looks angry, to say the least. 

"Wow wow what! You were at that pipe cleaners house?! We had a deal." 

Pipe cleaner? I mean Spencer is built like that, but in a cute way. 

"I know we had a deal but he brought me there and I couldn't just had left Pres." Eve walked into the kitchen grabbing a water bottle from the fridge.

"Well what did you do then?"

 He knew what he was doing didn't he.

 "Did you two have sex?" She choked on her water.

"Jesse!" He crossed his arms, giving her a scolding look. 

"Well did you? And I want the truth Eve." she sighed in defeat. 

I'm a grown adult, was he really going to slut shame me? 

"Yes we slept together." She put the water down and walked into her bedroom, when she walked into her bedroom she was faced with a girl looking like she was in a hurry quickly putting on her pants. Evangeline stood there looking at this chocolate toned girl standing in the middle of her bedroom getting dressed.

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