waking up ~ 11

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This past week has been absolute hell, and that was putting it nicely.

She was about to give up on anything and everything. Ian was practically already dead, she was bleeding out from all the cuts they made on her legs, some deep and some were more shallow. She could feel her broken ribs from them beating her side repeatedly with a baseball bat almost every hour. 

She wanted to give up but she remembered how she promised Ian that she wouldn't hurt herself and that she wouldn't drink. She felt in some way that you at-least owed him that after everything he did for you. 

As Ians almost lifeless body sat across from her, only a few inches away was her best friend in the entire world, the only one who knows exactly how you feel. "Jesse..." she groaned, it was very raspy and almost inaudible. He has always been the quiet type and has never really shown emotion so when she saw him crying trying so deeply not to let a sob escape his throat, her heart broke.

 He wasn't related to her or the family, he was a Smooth. Them two were supposed to end up together according to both of their parents sick fantasies. It was actually Jesses' idea to leave and run away because he had met a girl one night named Beth who he very quickly fell in love with. Evangeline met her a few times and she seemed like a sweet girl but never became close with her, all she knew is that when she mysteriously disappeared Preston was crushed. When Annie died Evangeline started to think that maybe just maybe, Beth didn't run away.

Preston wasn't badly hurt like Evangeline or Ian, his injuries weren't as distinct but he was still hurt. With a few cuts on his face from being punched and maybe a few ribs broken but the family couldn't seem to give a damn about him anymore. She could tell that he was feeling how she was, just wanting to give up and die already. Both of them gave up on ever being rescued after Ian was bleeding out on the concrete floor and passed out. she's been in and out of conciseness for the past few days but lost count of how many days it's even been. 

Evangeline was the closest to the large metal door that only opened if the family came into to harm them in some way or give them small portions of food. 

Very considerate of them to want to keep us alive just to beat and torture us. 

When she heard loud noises outside the door she just assumed it was someone in the family coming to check on them, but little did she know that is was actually the people who were here to rescue her. David Rossi and Spencer Reid. 

The steel door was banged on and hit at before it flung open and a bright light shone through; she was so exhausted that she couldn't distinct who it was and her last guess would have been Spencer but surprisingly that's exactly who it was. All she could hear was distant and small voices before everything went dark once again.

The nest time she opened her eyes there was a feeling of warmth over her face but her body still felt as cold as ice. She quickly realized that she was in a car and immediately went into a frenzy, screaming and punching, sobbing and screaming trying to break out of the wires she felt lingering across her body and the tight hold she felt around her mouth. A pair of hands went to calm her down and she only heard the words 'You're safe' 'It's okay' and 'I'm here'. The voice sounded familiar but she couldn't place it, her body was tense but slowly relaxed after a few minutes of a strange and random person holding her and repeating affirmations in her ear, it made her feel calm and safe, a feeling she hasn't felt in a long time and won't have for awhile more.

She passed out once again and the next time she was awake she could finally understand her surroundings and could distinct words correctly. She heard phones ringing, people yelling, beeping; basically every noise on the planet. 

"Hello?" she turned her head slightly to look at the person speaking. "Why hello there! You're gonna be okay alright Evangeline you're just going to go into surgery and then everything's going to be okay." Evangeline gently nodded but felt a pain shoot from her neck to her spine and immediately tensed up. 

The last time she woke up her body felt tired and ached but her mind was wide awake and ready to work. She decided to take a second to understand her surroundings and remember what the hell happened to her, everything that happened to her came flashing back hitting her like a ton of bricks. 

The beatings, the screaming, her mother shooting Ian, Ian dying and saying his final goodbyes, the metal door swinging open, the ambulance, the nice nurse. Her thoughts were interrupted by a sudden knock on the hospital room door which made her flinch more than she'd liked to admit.

"Oh! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to scare you sugar!" A very comforting lady nurse told her. "I'm Nurse Lin nice to meet you! I'm going to be honest you scared us all there for a second but we were able to get you all fixed up and we're so happy to see you awake!" She seemed very happy for being able to explain to Evangeline how she almost died. One thing she noticed is that she kept saying the word 'we're' not me. 

"Nice to meet you too?" It sounded more like a question than a statement "Who's the we? If i may ask." Evangeline looked at her confused as she was messing with a clipboard at the end of the hospital bed. 

"That's right sugar, you have some visitors let me go get them, they're just in the waiting room, one moment!" and like that she left. Evangeline was once again alone, in a hospital bed with a sharp pain in her side wondering if Jesse was alive and if Ian was dead. 

"Oh my god Evangeline!!" she heard from the left of her. She snapped her head around to see Penelope standing in the doorway with a purse in her right hand and her left hand covering her mouth. "I-we" she exaggerated "We were all so worried about you, and honestly I'm angry at you for being careless but for you right now I will push those feelings aside so I can be with my best friend." she huffed. Following behind her was JJ, then Emily and all the boys following in except for Spencer. He hadn't walked in and Evangeline couldn't see him anywhere to be seen through the glass. 

I had just been kidnapped and tortured yet the one person I wanted, the one person I needed wasn't there for me, wasn't there to be with me. 

She put her head down in disappointment while she heard the others talking amongst themselves. "Hey you okay?" she looked up at Aaron who's eyes were fulled with sympathy and remorse. 

Yes i'm fine Aaron just woke up from surgery because I was tortured for a week straight. 

"I mean, i'm doing the best I can all things considered Hotch." She gave a weak laugh. He look at her softly because he always knew she never took anything seriously but her brother just died, she almost just died. Everything felt fake. Like a dream of some sort. A twisted, horrible dream what's the word; a nightmare. It felt like a nightmare that wouldn't end anytime soon, a long never-ending nightmare.

"Evangeline we tried everything we could do, for you and your brother but i guess w- we were too late." Defeated. That was the only word to describe his voice, defeated.

Their conversation was interrupted by a small knock on the hospital room door. She perked her head up and was faced with the man she most desperately wanted. 

Spencer Reid. 



I'm so sorry for such a long awaited update and this chapter is a lot shorter then my previous chapter but i felt like i needed to publish something so idk... this story is going to be a lot longer than i intend it to be so i'm going to speed it up a little bit and i will get to the romance soon! i love you all :) 

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