happiness ~ 23

331 5 11

CW: Slight mention of self-harm, suicide and alcohol.



Happiness never lasts. Nothing ever lasts. Nothing good that is.

Evangeline had learned this a long time ago, she had also learned to never show how she was truly feeling about a situation. She had always been left, always a second choice to others. So, when she assumed Spencer had cheated on her, once again she had felt betrayed, left alone once again, not able to show how she truly felt.

Now she was anxiously sitting in her apartment waiting for Aaron to arrive. She couldn't stop crying, either she was constantly sobbing or tears fell down her face, every minute or so. She was in shock.

How could Spencer do that? How out of every person in the world, how could Spencer Reid cheat on her? 

All she could think about is how good their relationship was. Even if they were together a short amount of time, she still loved him, even before. She had loved him every time he walked into the BAU holding his bag to his hip. She had loved him every time he gave out a useless ramble, every time he had brought her coffee because he remembered her order. All of those times she had loved him, and he never knew until it was too late.

She was exhausted, she had been crying for hours and just wanted to rest, that's all she wanted to do was rest. She laid back on her bed, slowly closing her eyes.


"Oh, come on Evangeline! You've never seen Star Trek." He was sitting at the end of the couch, her legs perched up on his lap.

"No, I haven't! I'm not a science fiction person Spencer." The two were arguing about what to watch, he had suggested watching Star Trek but was very upset when Eve said she's never seen it.

"That's because you've never watched Star Trek, okay how about we watch one episode and then you can see how you like it." He begged.

"Can we just watch a Disney movie, oh! The Princess and The Frog, truly a classic." She shifted so she was now sitting next to him, he grabbed her hand intertwining his fingers with hers.

"Fine, fine but one day I'll make you watch Star Trek." Her face lit up. She brought his hand to her mouth giving it a small kiss before grabbing his face and kissing him.

"Thank you, thank you." She kept repeating in between kisses. He laughed and pushed she off of him.

He wrapped an arm around her back, pulling her towards him. The small taps of rain hitting the windows, the moonlight peeking out from the top of the curtains. He dragged the blanket off the back of the couch laying it down across her lap, kissing the top of her head before going back to the movie.

In that moment she felt happy, complete, and hoping that she could stay in this moment forever; Forever. 


Nothing lasts forever Evangeline, nothing, no matter how much you want it to last, it never does.

Evangeline was awaken by a sudden knock at the door. 

Must be Hotch.

She got up and walked to the door, the knocks becoming more persistent. She opened the door finding Spencer standing in front of her giving her a small smile. She stood there and before he could say anything she slammed the door in his face and walked back into her room.  

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