annie ~ 4

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TW: A brief mention of Rape, Violence, Death, Homophobia, Eating Disorder, Abuse || if any of these topics make you uncomfortable there will be a small recap on chapter 5
a/n: there's no Spencer in this chapter, it's based on Evangeline's past
Three days.

It took three days to find the unsub who was raping, murdering, and disfiguring prostitutes in New Orleans. The unsub was actually a team containing a man and a women named Lindsey Brown and Alex Laurel who were murdering prostitutes because they had both been cheated on by their significant others with prostitutes. Alex did the raping while Lindsey did the murder, and the disfiguring.

It was a long three days that's for sure. Running around trying to figure out why they were cutting the victims necks like that, trying to figure out why they were killing prostitutes. It wasn't until genius Dr. Reid saw a signature besides the obvious ones. When Eve found where they were hiding she tried to save the newest potential victim but we was to late. Both of the unsubs made it out alive but the poor girl... she was an underage 15 year old girl just trying to keep a roof over her and her grandmothers heads.

Telling the girls grandmother was one of the hardest goddamn things Vera's ever had to do.

 And she's had to do some fucked up shit.

The team must have realized something was bothering with her because the team started acting weird around her. Stealing glances with each other; when they would talk to her and their voices would be small and soothing, talking to her like she was a victim of something. The only one who treated her somewhat normal was Hotch. Ever since she joined the team Hotch had been a father figure in her life, he's the only one who really knows of her past and that's not because of the job but because she told him. He's aware of what's coming up next week. The Anniversary.

He's probably trying to distract me from breaking down and ugly crying right in front of everyone.

She felt confident enough telling someone else. Jesse and Ian know of her past, I mean for god sakes they went through the same thing, but she got abused the worst, the worst physically, mentally, and emotionally. All because she's a blood descendent. To be a blood descendent is an 'honor', is what her parents always say, more like a fucking curse. The hatred she has for her family is so strong at this point she could kill someone, anyone in her family, but that would be whichever sick fuck killed Annie.


She is Evangelines weakness, she was and always will be, but the anniversary is slowly creeping up on Eve. She'll probably spend the day crying and sobbing thinking about all the memories with Annie. Just thinking about it, about her makes Eve want to throw up. She told Eve the last memory she wanted her to have with her wasn't her dying in her arms but her proposing to Eve; her morning kisses or the afternoon walking sessions, the smell of her perfume and how it still lingers in some of the sweatshirts Eve kept of hers. How every-time she walked into the room butterflies erupted in Evangelines stomach, how Eve would sneak out with Annie past curfew and sit and watch the stars, and sit there and listen to Annie list constellations and talk about them because she always loved stars.

In her dying moments she told Evangeline to move on, to get over her, but how could Eve do that? How could she get over that feeling Annie gave her? Annie made her feel loved, she made Eve believe there was good in the world. Jesse and Ian always told Eve that she's loved, but she never felt loved. Annie made her feel loved, Annie made her feel happy, Annie made her feel like Eve could have a future, that life could be good, that Eve could get away from her family. When Annie proposed, Eve immediately said yes, she screamed yes at Annie because she knew in that moment things were going to be better.

At least that's what Evangeline thought.

When Evangelines parents found out they went ballistic, screaming at her, telling her that she was going to hell for her sins, how she would be punished not by the devil but by them. They beat her senseless that night, they beat her to the point she couldn't see. They were always abusive, but the thing that sent them over the edge was her being gay. They called Eve and Annie whores; bitches; sluts; any word people could think of they called her. They almost killed her, but it's a family rule 'don't kill, snitch on, or fuck over your family'.

She truly was the love of Evangelines life and still is, but she's not here anymore. It's been almost 6 years since she died, since she was murdered. She told Eve it wasn't her fault but how was it not her fault? Evangeline's the one with the psych-chaotic family, the family she didn't pick, the one she didn't want. She never told Annie about her past until later into their relationship and she thought once she told her, Annie would bolt for the door and never look back, but what she said will be carved into her brain forever....

"Evangeline I love you. Nothing and I mean nothing will change that. You are still the same you I fell in love with, the same Evangeline i'm going to marry some day and have cute little babies with, the same Evangeline I met in calculus sophomore year and asked for a pencil! You don't get to chose your family, nobody does because, hell if we did I wouldn't chose mine either! And I mean my family isn't as bad but there still pretty bad you know what they did the other day th- sorry got off topic. Evangeline you really think that I will think of you different because of this? If you do, you obviously don't know me because you act like I don't see the bruises, the heavy makeup under your eyes or how you throw up your food after you eat. I will be your new family, we will create a new family. I will do anything Eve if it means that you feel loved and you feel like you mean something, because it sounds like your family doesn't show you that, it sounds like they don't love you. I do, i love you so fucking much Evangeline that i can't put it in words. We can be like Romeo and Juliet, running off together starting a new life, we will have plans, we can and will be together. I mean hopefully we don't die...but that's not the point! The point is that I love you and who your family is doesn't determine your life because Eve you're amazing, you are your own person and I love that person. I Annie Vera love you and only you Evangeline Arendondo whether you like it or not."

uh hey so yeah... tell me how you liked that. sorry i'm like bawling I HIGHLY RECOMMEND LISTENING To ( THIS TOWN by NIALL HORAN) while listening to this for some real tears. i'm aware this wasn't the longest chapter. i love you and yes i'm blessing you with two chapters today ;) -mack

Note 04/10/22 - THIS TOWN?? DAMN I WANTED TO CRY IG anywho this was def one if the chapters i hated the most, I feel like the whole plot-twist thing was not needed? idk lots of plot-holes in this story 

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